How To Prepare For A Separation: 5 Things To Consider Or Think About Before You Begin A Martial Separation.

By: Leslie Cane: I suspect that many people reading this article are terrified. They’re frightened because a trial or marital separation is in their near future and they are worried that is going to make things worse rather than better. They’re concerned that the marital separation is going to set them on the path to […]

How To Approach A Marital Separation So That You Make It Work For You And Your Marriage.

By: Leslie Cane: Many of the inquiries to this blog are questions like “how to survive a trial separation.” Or “how to overcome a separated marriage.” It is very clear that most wives see the separation as something which must be endured. I completely understand this because this is how I viewed it during my […]

When Do Husbands Regret Leaving Their Wife? When It’s Too Late? After Far Too Long?

By: Leslie Cane: Having your husband leave can be one of the most catastrophic things you ever face. It’s normal to try to console yourself with the thought that, one day soon, he’s going to feel regret about his actions. He’s going to be sorry for walking out that door. And yet, when you wait […]

How Can We Afford A Marital Separation? Supporting Two Households Is Too Expensive.

By: Leslie Cane: One of the many concerns that some wives have about a marital separation is the cost. Often, money or finances is at least one issue that the couple is trying to work past. So, in light of this, how does the additional costs of separation not make things worse? Someone might ask, […]

Social Media During A Marital Separation: Should You Update Your Status? What About Posting A Birthday Message To Your Separated Spouse?

By: Leslie Cane: Many people are stumped about how to address social media when they have decided to separate from their spouse. Often, they don’t have any idea how long the separation will last. And they are unsure about what they should tell others while the separation is ongoing. Should you change your status from […]