My Husband Says We Should Go Our Separate Ways For A While – Will He Come Back?

By: Leslie Cane: I recently heard from a wife who was quite interested in seeing what her future might hold. After she and her husband had been having problems for several months, her husband told her that he felt they should “go their separate ways for a while” and see how things turned out after that.

The wife wasn’t sure exactly what he meant by that but it was pretty clear that he intended to move in with friends for a while. Needless to say, the wife’s main concerns were whether her marriage would end and whether her husband was going to come back.

However, every time she asked him about this, he would just give her vague replies like “We’ll just see what happens.” This was breaking the wife’s heart. She hated that they were leaving it open-ended in this way. It drove her crazy to not know whether she was going to be married in a year from now. And she was placing all of her attention and worries on whether he was coming back.

And although I’ve done this too and find it natural and completely normal, looking back now, I know that it wasn’t the best call. I will discuss this more in the following article.

When A Man Says That You Should Go Your Separate Ways Right Now, This Can Mean All Sorts Of Things: The wife’s biggest fear was that the husband would eventually file for divorce. She was worried that “separate ways” would eventually come to mean separation which would eventually come to mean divorce.

But, the thing was, she had no way to know if this was going to be true. She could not see into the future and her husband wasn’t being forthcoming with these details. So, as difficult as it might be, she really just had to allow this to play out. But the good news about this strategy is that her actions would undoubtedly contribute to how everything ended up.

So, whether she believed it or not, she had a bit more control than she feared. And quite frankly, some men use the “separate ways” terminology when they are just looking for a break to sort out their feelings. Sometimes, they are looking for a response from you to gauge where your marriage truly stands. And, sometimes even they don’t know how things are going to turn out.

So, with all of these unknowns, the wife’s path may just be to take things as they come while setting up the situation so that when the husband evaluates where he wants to go from here, he realizes that his life is likely better off with his wife than without her. But, in order for this to happen, the wife was going to have to change some perceptions that were standing in her way.

Focusing On Changing The Situation So That He Wants To Come Back Rather Than Hyper Focusing On If He Will Come Back: Besides the shock and pain that this wife was feeling, her main concern (by far) was if her husband was going to come back. This concern was pretty much the center of all of her thoughts and actions.

To that end, she was constantly trying to take inventory of where her husband was, what he was doing, and what he was thinking. Even though she admitted that these actions were only annoying her husband and weren’t really getting her anywhere, she just couldn’t seem to stop herself.

So many of us do this, myself included. But what we don’t understand at the time is that we are creating an “either/or” situation. What I mean by that is that since your sole concern is him coming back, you’re putting him in a position where he has to make a decision that either he’s coming back or he’s not and there’s not really any gray areas or any space in between.

So, you’re leaving an opening for things to turn out badly. Instead, you want to create as many positive options as you can. You don’t want to put so much pressure on this situation that your husband thinks he has to leave you or begin to move away from you to escape this pressure.

As hard as it may be to back off some and let things unfold as they will and THEN respond rather than jumping the gun, sometimes this is precisely what you should do to have the outcome that you really want.

Here’s what you often need to understand. Pretty shortly, there may come a time when your husband has to make a decision about how he is going to proceed. He’ll need to decide if he’s coming back or if he wants to truly separate or divorce.

And, when this does happen, you want to have painted yourself in the most favorable light. Right now, he may think that your problems are too big or that your relationship isn’t going to change. You often have to change his mind about these things eventually. And one way to start to do that is to behave in a way that he isn’t expecting.

Allow him to be pleasantly surprised at how in control you really are. Come from a place of love rather than a place of fear. Make it clear that your priority really is both of you being happy rather than trying to pin him down on exactly what his plans are.

I wish I had known these things in my own marriage. Our trial separation went very badly until I figured out that my actions were pushing my husband further away. Fortunately, when I realized my mistake it wasn’t too late. You can read more on my blog at


My Husband Says He Doesn’t Have Feelings For Me – Insights That Might Help

By: Leslie Cane: I recently heard from a wife whose husband had told her that he “no longer has any feelings” for her. They had been having marital issues for a while but had been trying to work them out. The wife felt that at times, things were beginning to get better. Apparently, the husband didn’t agree because he told the wife that he now was pretty sure that he wanted a separation or divorce. The wife was astounded at this and told the husband that although the marriage had hit a rough patch, she still loved him and felt that was a foundation upon which they could build.

The husband countered this by telling the wife that not only didn’t he love her anymore but that he “no longer had any feelings for her at all.” Not only did this shock the wife, but she frankly didn’t believe it. The day before, he had initiated physical contact and showed affection. She wasn’t sure why he would feel the need to lie, but she was beside herself. She said in part “How can he say he doesn’t feel anything for me? We’ve been together for a very long time and have been through a lot together. How can he just throw that away and pretend as though I don’t matter to him?”

There are many reasons that men sometimes do this. I will discuss this more in the following article.

Sometimes A Man Says He Doesn’t Have Feelings For You Because He Knows You Will Point To The Feelings As Proof You Can Work Things Out: I didn’t personally know either person in this situation, but I had to suspect that the husband was telling the wife this as a way to take the wind out of her sails. In the past, the wife had pointed to their feelings for each other as a main reason to continue to work on the marriage.

Many husbands in this situation aren’t sure what to do anymore. They’ve tried “working” on the marriage and various other things, but they feel as though they are at a dead-end street and they aren’t sure how to begin to make an exit. So, they will tell you that the feelings are gone so that you no longer have this fact on your side.

What does this mean for you? It means that it’s possible the feelings haven’t gone, but you have a situation in which your husband is willing to say anything in order to get a pause in this situation. That’s very important information that can mean quite a lot and be quite telling.

Putting This In Perspective To Determine Where To Go From Here: Many women in this situation have no clue where to go with this or how to respond. Basically, there are a couple of possibilities. Your husband may be telling you the truth as he knows it, meaning that since so much has happened between you, he doesn’t know what to feel or his feelings may have dulled. Or, he may well still have feelings for you but he’s trying to diminish or deny them because he is growing tired of the “working it out” process.

Either way, his perceptions about the situation are now part of the issue. Many women will often react by trying to prove to their husband that he still has feelings or arguing with him about his assertion. In my experience, this isn’t as effective as focusing on the issues and trying to fix them. Having more conflict is rarely the answer. Changing his perceptions sometimes can be.

If The “Working Things Out” Stance Isn’t Working For You, Consider Focusing On Something Else: Sometimes, it’s not that the husband’s feelings have changed all that dramatically. (After all, I rarely believe that feelings just turn off and on.) So rather than focusing on this point, you are sometimes better off taking the focus off of all that “work” and all of its connotations. Sometimes, smaller steps are in order.

Just focusing on interacting with less conflict and drama can sometimes make quite a difference. And sometimes, your husband is expecting all these fireworks but when you respond calmly and with purpose, he may suddenly begin to question his perceptions in the first place. This is what you want. Yes, you may have a long and gradual climb. But your real goal is not to show him or argue with him that he’s wrong, but to show him by your behavior and your reactions that he may have acted too swiftly.

You want to show him the carefree calm and loving woman he first fell in love with rather than the frightened and reeling one who may have a tendency to be accusing and argumentative because she is frightened of losing what she has worked so hard for.

I know that this is a very difficult situation. And I know it feels as if you might be on the losing end of this. But your reactions from this point forward can be very important. Try to take the high road and keep your perspective. In the long run, you may be glad that you did.

I understand how you feel, because a very short time ago, I was exactly where you are. But, I learned that my husband had fallen out of love with the relationship instead of falling out of love with me. I was able to use this knowledge to change course, return my husband’s love, and save the marriage (when I was the only one interested in doing so at the time.) You can read that story on my blog at

Could A Trial Separation Save Our Marriage?

By: Leslie Cane: I once dialogued with a woman whose husband had been approaching the topic of divorce. He’d been tip-toeing around the topic for months. But lately, it had become quite clear that he thought the relationship was going to end in a divorce relatively soon. The wife was adamant that she did not want to end the marriage. In a bid of desperation, she offered up a trial separation as an alternative to the divorce.

Her husband said he would think about it and let her know how he wanted to proceed. After the wife had a bit of time to think about it, she wondered if this had been the right call. She asked me, in part: “Can a trial separation save our relationship? Because I’m starting to think that I’m only delaying the inevitable. If we’re going to eventually get a divorce anyway, then why waste all of that time and get my hopes up?”

I’ve seen plenty of trial separations work to eventually save the relationship. And, when the only other alternative is a divorce, then a separation can be just about your only chance to gain some ground. But, in my opinion and experience, there’s most definitely a right way and a wrong way to handle a trial separation if the whole goal is to save the marriage or relationship. I will discuss this more in the following article.

Sometimes, A Trial Separation Is One Of The Only Viable Options Before A Divorce: Obviously, the best-case scenario is if you can save the relationship before you have to separate or take some time apart from one another. Sometimes though, this just isn’t going to be possible. Sometimes, the spouse who is trying to avoid a separation at all costs will push too hard for an immediate reconciliation with the person who is very resistant to this. A strategy such as this can do more harm than good because the reluctant person usually becomes so tired of this process that he leaves anyway, and by then you have a lot more ground to recover.

Usually, what you really want is to be able to save the relationship with both people equally on board and equally as enthusiastic about rebuilding. If your spouse goes into this process with doubts or when their heart isn’t really in it, there’s a real risk of only getting a temporary reprieve. Instead, you want any attempt to reconcile to work and to be lasting. When nothing else has worked and the only other option is a divorce, the trial separation can be a decent alternative (but usually only when done correctly.)

Handling The Trial Separation In The Way That Saves Rather Than Destroys Your Relationship: When separations go wrong, this is usually due to a few very common reasons. One potential reason is that one or both people approach the separation as a free-for-all all where they act as if they are already single. One or both spouses might choose to date other people or act in such a way that’s not typical of someone who is still married.

This can lead to a lot of retaliation and resentment which usually only makes things worse. The other common mistake that I see couples make is that they attempt to overcompensate rather than allowing the time away to work for them rather than against them. Sometimes, it feels as though the pressure to solve things is quite intense so one or both people are tempted to make the sole focus to “work” on the couple’s problems while feeling intense pressure.

The thing is, one of the most important things that need to happen during the separation is that the people in the relationship need to see that their life is better within the relationship than on the outside of it. Most people will need to see some improvement in both the relationship and in their own perceptions about the other person in order for this to happen in a genuine (rather than forced) way.

The improvement that I’m talking about can’t happen by force. Sometimes, you are better off not pushing so hard and allowing the time away to make the heart grow fonder. Rather than attempting to remind your loved one of you every waking minute, you are often much better off making every encounter count and focusing on the positive rather than the negative. Your loved one isn’t likely to improve their perceptions of you and the relationship if they see you turning up the pressure, moping around, or acting fearful and resentful.

You want to show them the best, most low-key version of yourself every time you have the natural (rather than forced) chance to do so. This shouldn’t feel or look like an act. You want to just very naturally allow them to see the person who initially excited them so much. You want them to see you as upbeat, coping, accommodating, and busy. If this isn’t how you truly feel, sometimes you need to make an effort to display this anyway, at least when you are with them.

Always ask yourself if your actions during the separation are helping or hurting your cause. This doesn’t mean that you need to be overly accommodating or obviously not genuine. But sometimes, you have to act “as if” until you’re desired reality actually comes true. One way to do this is to attempt to focus on the positive and maintain an upbeat attitude and sense of humor. If you approach your partner with doom and gloom or guilt feelings every time you interact with them, then you run the real risk of them thinking that they’re better off alone and therefore won’t be returning home after the separation.

It was my husband, not me, who thought he wanted out of our marriage. I panicked, and unfortunately, drew on negative emotions rather than positive ones. This backfired – not surprisingly. Thankfully, I realized my tactics were not working and changed direction. Eventually, I was able to turn things around and still have a stable marriage today. You can read more on my blog at

Trying to Save a Marriage? Insights On What Works and What Doesn’t

by: Leslie Cane: When I was trying to save my marriage years ago, I read everything I could get my hands on that would help me prevent a divorce. I blindly followed most of this advice and found it to be flawed in my particular situation, not only because it didn’t work, but because it sets the couple on a frustrating path that doesn’t address the most immediate flaws and tensions before it attempts to tackle the “real problems” in the marriage.

Why Marriage Counseling And Some “Save Your Marriage” Programs Sometimes Miss The Point, In My Opinion: Specifically, most “save your marriage” advice focuses on having the couple commit to difficult discussions and exercises geared toward fixing deep-seated problems in their marriage. While I agree this must be done eventually, in my experience what many marriage counselors or programs fail to take into consideration is that often there is one person or spouse who wants out of the marriage, and there is usually one person who wants to save it.

Getting the spouse who wants out of the marriage to submit to repeated questions and deep discussions about problems contributing to it will drive some of these folks even further away. Simply put, these unhappy spouses want to escape the situation, so submerging them into even more of it (and painful discussions about it) often just makes the problem worse.

Of course, the person who wants to save the marriage is often more than willing to talk about it endlessly or to do “whatever it takes” to reignite the spark. But this sort of “anything to save the relationship” stance often makes this unsuspecting spouse appear even more unattractive to the spouse who wants to leave, again making the problem worse. (This is what happened in my case. More on that here.)

What’s Truly Key To Successfully Save A Marriage: From my experience (and again, this is just my opinion and experience,) this process is backward. I believe that most people who succeed in saving their marriage do so by first delaying endless discussions or problem-solving sessions. Instead, successful couples often first focus on reestablishing a positive relationship and feelings of empathy and protectiveness. If both parties don’t feel respect and at least some sort of affection or caring toward one another, then it’s unrealistic to think that they will be able to work out their problems in a long-term way in which both people are equally on board and committed. Sure, one person may eventually give in, (just to keep the peace and stop all this communication on difficult subjects), but the issues will keep coming up because both parties are not really committed to changing things.

To solve marital problems, both husband and wife must be equally committed to doing so. This doesn’t often happen if the balance of power in the marriage is unequal, with one person wanting to save the marriage and the other wanting to end it. Before you can change this, both parties must return to a place of affection and respect. How do you do this when you are perhaps the only one wanting to save the marriage?

How To Try To Return Positive Feelings That Can Make Saving The Marriage Much Easier (Even When You’re The Only One Interested): To set the stage for avoiding divorce or rescuing a relationship, you first need to take calculated steps meant to restore the positive image your spouse used to have of you when he first fell in love or the last time he/she was in love. I know this thought can be hard to wrap your brain around or accept. It’s easy to resent this or to think it is unfair or game-playing. You might think exactly as I initially did: “He/she doesn’t do anything to change for me. Why should I change or make the effort? Why am I the only one doing all of the work?”

The answer is that taking these steps is going to benefit you in a few ways. Not only will this make you feel better and build your confidence, but it may also just get what you really want – your marriage back. And, once you restore the needed feelings, what you’re trying to do will be so much easier.

If a marriage is in trouble and needs to be saved, it’s often not strong enough to allow you to pick apart or rehash difficult issues. I don’t believe couples should attempt this until the relationship is back on a positive level for quite some time and until both parties are ready, receptive, and committed.

You get to this place by either taking a brief break or by first ignoring the elephant in the room that is contributing to the worst issues. You’ll address these later, but first, you have to restore the positive feelings needed to get both parties on board.

If your spouse is not receptive to you, not talking to you, is not taking your calls, or is dead set on divorce, believe it or not, the process is the same. You just have to move at a slower pace and take more calculated baby steps until you’re at a place where positive feelings have returned.

It took me a very long time to learn this. And I set myself back. But eventually, I actually pulled this off and saved my marriage. I made many mistakes. You can read that story by visiting my blog at

A Plan to Help Bring Your Husband Back

by Leslie Cane: If you’ve found this article, I have to assume that one of two things have happened. Either your marriage does not feel as loving, committed, or secure as you would like it (and you feel your husband is distant or slipping away); or your husband has asked for a divorce, break, time apart, or separation. I can’t possibly know the specifics of your situation, but I do know that it’s possible to bring a husband back even if you are the only one interested. I know because I’ve done it. And although the severity of the situation and the people involved may be different, I believe the most effective method to bring back your husband is really the same. Sure, you may have to move more slowly and take more baby steps in some situations, but you can adjust as needed. This article will discuss the plan that worked for me and many others. I sincerely hope it works for you.

Understanding What Your Husband Really Wants To Bring Him Back To You: It’s very common to confuse the external issues or scramble a husband’s wants and needs once we’ve been married for a while. I know because I absolutely did this. The truth is, you probably are well aware of what it takes for your husband to be happy. Because you once made him so happy, in love, and committed that he married you. The qualities that you exhibited when you dated (as well as the actions you took then) were the formula that won your husband’s heart. So, this puts you at a great advantage. You already know exactly what you had to do (and need to do now) to make your husband happier.

Many people will counter me when I say this with something like, “Yes, but now we have kids and much more stress,” or “We’re not young and carefree anymore,” or “One of us made a huge mistake and we aren’t even speaking.”

I know that all of these things may be true, but the core of what your husband really wants has not changed because of these external things. If anything, your husband’s need for your affection and attention is probably even more great. I know that you are busy and I know it can seem unfair that it seems that you may be doing all the work, but bear with me. Because in the end, marriage is reciprocal and if you give your husband more of what he wants, then you will probably get a lot more of what you want as well.

Remember when you and your husband first fell in love? I’d be willing to bet that any issues are arguments ended quickly without any excess drama. Why? Because people in love generally don’t want to spoil it by allowing negative feelings to interfere. That’s why it’s important that you return to this place and reintroduce the two people who fell in love. How do you do this? You show your husband the best version of yourself, the one he first fell in love with.

Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself To Get Your Husband’s Attention (It’s Not Someone Else – It’s You!): I realize I’ve indicated that you should show your husband the qualities that drew him to you in the first place. Understand that I don’t mean you have to act or look like Paris Hilton. You should pay careful attention to your appearance, but I strongly believe that if you are honest and evaluate why your husband first fell in love with you, you’ll likely list qualities like: a sense of humor, an open heart, kind actions, a strong desire to pay attention to your partner’s happiness, etc. Once you can pinpoint the qualities that were most important to your husband, ask yourself how often he is seeing them now. If you can honestly say not enough, then you have work to do. 

However, use caution here. While I absolutely want you to display your best qualities regularly, I don’t want you to be a doormat, be too obvious about it, or try too hard. If your husband senses you’re not being honest or are doing something desperate or not genuine, he’s only going to block your efforts more and this behavior may make you appear unattractive or needy. So, what to do instead? Remember that your happiness leads to his happiness.

You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Really Have: This may seem confusing, but hear me out. If you want to display a positive, attentive, interesting woman, you really don’t want to have to fake it and hold back your agony as you are doing this. You really want to genuinely be this happy person as she is the one who is going to attract what you want. So, how to get her back?

You have to do the things that make you happy. I’d be willing to bet that you’ve also been neglecting yourself and your own needs. So, you have to make a very deliberate effort to get out and do what makes you happy. See friends. Revisit hobbies. Do what you know is going to put a smile on your face. This may seem the opposite of what you are trying to do (as you feel that your husband, not you, needs your attention.) But I promise you that making yourself happy will bring you closer to your goal. Truthfully, you can’t radiate true happiness and openness to your husband if you aren’t genuinely feeling it. In your best-case scenario, you want the two of you to experience positive, loving feelings together. This isn’t possible if only one of you is getting their needs met. Take your own happiness into your own hands and I guarantee it will in turn give you more to give to your husband. And, I’m willing to bet that this new, fulfilled version of yourself will get the attention of your husband. This is ultimately what you want anyway. It’s really a win-win situation.

I had to use a similar approach when I trying to save my marriage (and was the only one who wanted to). I made a lot of mistakes, but eventually, I was able to change course and regain my husband’s interest. Over time (and taking calculated baby steps), I was able to reestablish intimacy and bring back his love. You can read more on my blog at


How Do I Make My Husband See That Our Marriage is Worth Saving?

By: Leslie Cane: I once spoke to a wife who was beside herself about the state of her marriage.  It had been “falling apart” for quite some time and she and her husband had tried several things to improve the relationship. The husband was now at a point where he was wanting out. According to him, he did not see any other thing that they could do and it had become clear to him that it was now time to cut their losses and move on.

Of course, this is not what the wife wanted to hear. She strongly felt that somehow, some way, the marriage could be saved. Not only that, but, there was no doubt in her mind that their marriage was worth saving. After all, they were roughly the same people and they had a lot of very tangible things to be thankful for. In fact, most of the other things in their lives were going fine. It was just the marriage that was bringing everything down.

The problem was, she could not get her husband to see this point. No matter what she said, the husband resisted giving it more time to see if the marriage could be saved. She wanted my advice as to how to change his mind. So, in the following article, I will share with you what I told her.

Convincing A Husband That Your Marriage Is Worth Saving: Here is the catch-22 that so many of us do not see. Often, the more you try to “convince” and “talk him into” saving the marriage, the more resistant he’s going to be. This is because you’re trying to “get” or “make” him see things your way only implies that he’s wrong or faulty for seeing things his own way. This is often a situation where you have to show rather than tell him. 

In truth, you’ve likely been “telling him” for quite some time now with only minimal or disappointing results. So, it’s time to stop talking so much and to take more action. And, here’s another unfortunate truth. Your husband is likely at the point where he is not listening to you as much as he did in the past. This is because he’s seen firsthand the promises and attempts did not really come through. So, as a means to protect himself, he’s started to tune you out somewhat.

This does not mean that what you are saying is not totally the truth and 100% accurate, but that fact does not matter as much as his perception of it. It’s important that you understand this. It’s equally important that you don’t become so frustrated by the fact that he’s not listening that you begin to turn toward desperate attempts to get his attention via whatever means necessary. Many people will begin to take desperate and negative measures at this point. 

They will either take the nice and subservient route – begging, and following and offering up promises that already have not worked. Or, they will take the harder, less friendly route – they will offer ultimatums, and threats, or try to debate him to change his mind. Here is what both of these tactics often do. They will make you look less than desirable. They will push him away from you rather than pulling toward you.

Hopefully, by now, I’ve convinced you that the route you’ve been taking in the past deserves a break – since it didn’t work anyway. And, it makes sense to focus on creating a new, positive perception rather than the same old stale and negative one.

Changing Up What Has Not Been Working: I am going to suggest that you come at this from a new angle. This is often a way to get his attention in a positive way and a way to pause the same old course of things. I would also suggest that you don’t necessarily telegraph your plan. He likely already has in his head that he’s going to reject or resist whatever suggestions you come up with, so you may want to delay sharing this with him.

It’s perfectly fine to be clear on the fact that you love him and want to save the marriage. But, I suggest taking a break from the desperate stance that you are likely taking. I suggest alluding to the fact that you’re going to give all of this a break and focus on yourself and on creating a better vibe and give and take between the two of you. This is because the negative things that have been going on for so long are draining you and are not meshing with your goals. After all, your ultimate goal is that both of you are fulfilled, in a healthy place, and happy.

The way things have been going obviously runs counter to this. So, you’re going to work on remaining positive, taking a break from those things that create conflict, and moving forward in a positive way. Sure, you may ultimately split up, but at least you’ll do it on a positive note. (We both know that you don’t want to split up, and the plan is not to, but the stance is for his benefit.)

Now, you have to absolutely follow through. If you don’t, you’ve just set yourself back yet again and ensured that he’s going to listen to you even less. What you want to do is to attempt to have light-hearted encounters where you joke, laugh, and take all of the pressure off the both of you. If you do this well enough and for long enough, that pressure cooker that you’ve both been living in is going to start to release its grip. 

You’ll begin to see that you start to look forward to spending time together again. You already know what type of behavior and actions your husband best responds to. Now is the time to use that knowledge. Always keep it light and upbeat. Don’t fight an uphill battle. Go with the flow. You are not looking to talk out or work out your problems right now. You will do that later – when the relationship can withstand this. 

Right now, you are only looking to regain your footing and buy some time and some cooperation. You are much more likely to do this if he’s not cringing every time he sees you coming or sees that you have called. Sometimes if you hang on too tightly, you end up chasing off what you really want. You’re much better off loosening your grip and then discovering that he will come back quite willingly when you give him a payoff to do so.

There was a time when I thought my marriage was truly at its end. We had seemingly tried everything – from counseling to a trial separation. Thankfully, even though I had doubts, I decided to try one last thing, to give a little more, and to approach it from another angle (by focusing on my own time and efforts) and this eventually worked. You can read that story on my blog at

Stopping a Husband From Filing For Divorce – Can You?

By: Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from people who want to know how to stop a husband from either filing for or going through with a divorce. I understand the urgency of these requests very well. I was in the situation myself a few years ago and I know that these wives think that if a divorce is begun or actually takes place, then the marriage is over for good. There are no more cards to deal with or games to play. It’s over for good and there’s not going to be anything that you can do about it. So, the thinking goes, it’s better to do everything in your power to reverse this right now before the divorce actually happens.

This thinking is very familiar to me, but I also know from experience that it will make ill-advised things seem completely logical at the time. This is a very dangerous place to be because you are very vulnerable to doing or saying things that you will later come to regret. This is make-or-break time, no doubt, but don’t allow this to convince you that you need to participate in desperate behaviors that are only going to make things worse. I’ll discuss this more in the following article.

Legal Maneuvering Is Often Not The Answer, At Least In My Opinion. Only Your Attorney Will Win: Many women will tell me things like: “Well I’m just going to have my attorney contest the divorce,” or “I’m just going to tell my attorney to stall;” or “I will refuse to accept the divorce papers.” The thinking behind this is often that you can blame all of this on your attorney and you’ve bought yourself the time that you need.

But, the problem here is that it’s quite possible this is only going to annoy your husband. He’s going to see you as an adversary and he’s only going to want to make this process end that much sooner. He’s going to be annoyed with you and do everything in his power to avoid you. This isn’t what you want.

And, your attorney can attempt to stall, but this can only go on for so long (and it will be quite expensive even though you still reach the same end.) And as the end is building up, you’re only getting further and further away from your husband, not closer. 

Often trying to avoid, delay, or hide from this situation is not going to make it go away. It’s best to just take a good hard look at the reality of the situation, accept it as it is right now, and then calmly decide the best way for you to change it while making sure that you appear (and that he perceives you) in the most favorable way possible.

Understanding That If You Can Change The Perception, You Can Change The Reality: Often people go about stopping the divorce backward. They want to skip to the part where they change the reality of the situation and they don’t really think it through or do anything to change the situation. They think that just because they want their husband to change his mind, they must then force this upon him through whatever means necessary. In the end, he’s only going to resent you for this. Even if he does consider “giving in,” he will not have made this decision on his own, so this decision is less likely to be lasting.

Your best bet is to actually change his perception of you and of the marriage. You must allow him to see that you are not who he thought and that the marriage is not what he thought. In short, you must change his perception before you even begin to worry about the reality of the situation. But, how can you do this when he’s made up his mind and has threatened to begin the divorce process? You make every single encounter and interaction count, but you don’t let your desperation or your plan show. You remember who and what he wants. You must do everything in your power to paint yourself as a woman of dignity and respect who values his happiness enough to be calm and rational. You show him that the woman he first fell in love with is still right in front of him. You change his perception from one of annoyance and avoidance to one of curiosity and lightheartedness.

Stepping Back to Move Closer: As you probably suspect, this takes some doing and some balancing. You can’t come on too strong, but you must make yourself visible. You must show him that you want him to be happy, but you don’t just want to throw in the towel and give up. There is a fine line between all of these things. At the end of the day, you must strike a balance and you must look to him for how to best do this. There will likely be some days where he is more receptive than others. On the days when he is not, you should go about doing the things that make you happy, make you appear strong, and make you appear attractive. Often, this silence and this distance will create a little curiosity on his part and so he will be the one who starts to move closer. Again, make sure that you are striking that balance. Don’t rush or push. Watch for and respond to his cues and create the distance when you need to.

Wives are understandably reluctant to experience the distance that I’m talking about, but it’s often this space that will allow him the perspective that he needs. And when he pauses for this perceptive, make sure that you’ve painted yourself in the best light. And, hopefully, I’ve shown you that fighting him every step of the way here is not the way to do that.

When my husband wanted a divorce (but I desperately wanted to save my marriage), I did everything that I could to stop it. I made many mistakes born out of frustration and fear. I delayed, begged, argued, stalked, and engaged, but none of these things worked. Thankfully, I decided to approach things from another angle and this eventually worked. You can read more on my blog at

How to Decide If Your Marriage is Worth Saving

By: Leslie Cane: I hear from a lot of people who tell me that their marriage is falling apart so that they are quite unhappy, and they aren’t sure if that same marriage is worth saving. Many of them believe in the theory that marriage should last forever, and they swore that they’d never give up on theirs. But, as they look around at how far things have fallen, they wonder if they might just be better off walking away.

I often hear comments like “I need to decide if my marriage is worth saving because I don’t want to continue living like this anymore. I either want to make things better or cut my losses because I don’t like all of this uncertainty and turmoil.” Or “Sometimes, I wonder if it would just be healthier for me to leave the marriage. We’ve tried many different things to improve our relationship and nothing really works. I’m not sure if we even love each other anymore. But, to be honest, I can’t bear the thought of divorcing my spouse, which is why I stay. But I can’t continue to live like this either.”

I also find that the longer that the marriage has been trouble, the more apt people are to leave it. People are often much more willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work if they are newly married than if they have been dealing with the same problematic issues for years. But, I feel that even the long-term marriages that are struggling can often be saved. And, I also honestly feel that people who have to ask if their marriage is worth saving usually truly do want to save it deep down. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be posing the question because they’d be confident in the answer. In the following article, I’ll go over some considerations and questions which I hope will help you to decide if your marriage is worth saving.

Ask Yourself Who Your Marriage Affects (And In What Ways:) Young people without children or families are often quicker to end their marriages than folks who are part of a family with children. This makes sense, of course, because ending the marriage is going to affect everyone who is associated with it. With that said, you’ll often be wise to ask yourself how the marriage is affecting those in question.

For example, people often stay married for the sake of their children. I commend this and frankly would be tempted to do the same. But, you might want to consider asking yourself how the marriage itself affects your children. There’s a big difference between a situation where the kids are in a volatile, abusive, or unhealthy environment and one where the two parents just don’t feel sparks or fireworks anymore.

Generally, my feeling has always been that children who are being abused or dangerously negatively affected by the marriage are often better off without it, whereas children with parents who just aren’t passionately “in love” often wish their parents could find a way to get their connection back.

Occasionally, I’ll speak with people who say things like “My mother adores my husband. I think she might disown me if I left the marriage.” In instances like these, you have to ask yourself how much your mother is really affected by your marriage. Your marriage really only affects the lives of those people directly living in or affected by your household. Take a look at those people and don’t worry so much about what others think.

Play The “Five Years Down The Road” Game: Rarely do people ask themselves if their marriage is worth saving when things are going well. It’s only when the going gets tough that you begin to hear questions about whether the marriage is worth saving. I once had a therapist suggest an exercise that I’ve found to be really effective.

She asked me to imagine myself propelled five years into the future when all of the problematic issues I was dealing with at that time were settled. She then asked me to imagine that I’d decided that the marriage wasn’t worth saving and had ended it. And, I’m out somewhere and I run into my husband with his new wife. We’re both happy and are both in a good place, but how do I feel when I see him with someone else? Am I happy for them and at peace, or do I feel a pang of “what ifs” and regret?

I did not even have to think about this exercise for very long. I knew immediately that I’d feel regret. I knew that the second I saw my husband being affectionate to someone else, it would be as if someone punched me in the gut because I would know that this was wrong (and not the way it was supposed to be) on many different levels.

Ask Yourself If You’re Indifferent Or At Peace With The Decision That Your Marriage Just Isn’t Worth Saving: Quite rarely, I hear from people who tell me that they’ve asked themselves the questions I’ve suggested and have determined that they really don’t care one way or another. In short, they don’t care if their spouse will end up with someone else. They’re basically at peace with their decision to move on and feel no emotions one way or the other.

They aren’t angry, sad, or confused. In fact, they are quite indifferent. It’s my experience that when people lose all emotion or investment in the process, they are pretty much done. On the other hand, people sometimes assume that if they are very angry or upset at or about their spouse and the marriage, this might mean that the marriage isn’t worth saving. I would disagree. Because they are obviously still feeling strong emotions that are tied up in their spouse. This means that they are still heavily invested which usually means the marriage can be saved.

Here’s another clue. People who are really indifferent would likely not be reading this article because they are at peace with their decision and know in their hearts that nothing is left. But since you are reading this article, there was likely enough doubt in your mind that you felt the need to research your options. This tells me that you’re not indifferent towards or done with your marriage, which indicates, at least to me, that you’re still invested so that the marriage might be worth saving.

However, I fully admit that I am biased and this is just my opinion.

There was a time when my husband was absolutely sure that our marriage wasn’t worth saving. I suspected that it was. Thank goodness I listened to my heart. With a bit of effort and trying new things, I was able to save the marriage. You can read more on my blog at

What to Do When Your Husband Gives Up on Your Marriage

By: Leslie Cane: I once spoke with a wife who was looking for solutions. Her husband had informed her that he had decided to “give up” on their marriage. He told her that he felt that there was nothing that either of them could do or say to save the marriage – and that it was better to just walk away and cut their losses before things deteriorated and got really ugly. 

The wife did not agree. She felt that with a little work and cooperation, the marriage could be saved. I agreed with her, as I feel that there are actually only a few types of marriages that can’t be rescued from the brink. Unfortunately, though, the tactics that she was using to change his mind were completely flawed. I seriously doubted that they were going to work. In fact, I suspected that they would’ve only made the situation worse. In the following article, I’ll share with you what we discussed about how to convince a husband not to give up on your marriage in a way that overcomes his resistance.

Watch The Terminology That You’re Using And The Picture That You Are Painting: So often, when we wives want to motivate our husbands to work with us to save the marriage, we use very unfortunate language that only inspires the exact opposite of what we want. We try to talk him into “fighting for our marriage,” or “working on our relationship.” Do these things sound pleasurable to you? “Fighting?” “Working?” This sounds like some undesirable thing that you may do at your job, but you don’t necessarily like it.

Then, when the husband doesn’t respond to these pleas as we wanted, we proclaim that he’s “given up.” Again, this has a very negative connotation. To save your marriage, he will eventually need to be on board and at least cooperate a little. You’re not as likely to get these things if you use language that implies he’s going to have to dig in, roll up his sleeves, clock in, and get on the assembly line.

So, what’s the better way? You want to imply that what you’re asking him to do is going to be pleasurable. But, there’s often a catch, right? Because he’s probably already begun to tune you out. He’s already decided that nothing is ever going to change. He’s already watched as you’ve tried different things that have failed and as you’ve talked until you’re exhausted and yet no real change ever comes. So, you can’t continue to just talk talk talk. You have to instead take action. And, you shouldn’t even tell him that you’re doing this. If you do, he’s just going to resist you that much more as he’s been tipped off.

Letting This Play Out Correctly: Remember that we’re going to let our actions talk for us. But, you’re going to have to set this up first. So, simply tell your husband that you’re sorry to hear that he’s given up. For your part, this saddens you, but you realize that you can’t control his thoughts or how he feels. Still, you’re troubled to lose the relationship – no matter what happens with the marriage. You want to retain a positive relationship so you’re just going to focus on making this process as painless as possible. You want to remain as positive as you can. The reason that you’re doing this is because you absolutely need to change his perception of you from negative to positive. You want him to see that being with you can be quite harmonious.

You may have to have patience for this to happen. He will likely resist at first. However, there will be times when you will need to be together and interact and you will have to make the absolute best of this situation every time that it occurs.

Reminding Him Of Who And What You Were: The woman in question felt that things were hopeless. She was sure that her husband didn’t love her anymore or didn’t find her attractive. She kept repeating “We don’t have anything in common. We’re more like roommates.” These things were likely true. But, I still believe we already know that the two of them could connect on a very positive level. They’d already done this. They were once deeply in love and seemed at that time to have very much in common.

But the circumstances were different then. They didn’t have the stressors of adult life. They weren’t trying to hold down two jobs raise kids or make their mortgage and car payments. Still, I believed that if they could put these burdens on the back burner and recreate the willingness to just focus on their positive feelings when they were falling in love, things would begin to lighten up.

Hopefully, as soon as you bring forth those qualities that he used to love about you, the tension begins to become less. He begins to become a little less resistant and a little more willing. Eventually, he begins to initiate the contact and begins to become more willing to believe that things can change. When he does, you must keep up what you’re doing. Don’t revert back to the negative, neglectful things that got you here in the first place. Always remember that if you can keep a steady stream of affection, appreciation, and attention, this will go a very long way toward keeping both you and your husband on board so that neither one of you wants to give up on the marriage.

When I was trying to save my own marriage, my husband truly had given up on us. He was going forward with moving out and then the divorce. Thankfully, I realized my tactics were not working and changed course. That change ultimately saved my marriage. You can read more on my blog at


How Do I Get My Husband Back? Step-By Step-Suggestions

by: Leslie Cane: If you’re asking yourself the question of how to get your husband back, then I have to assume that your husband has either physically or emotionally left the marriage, but you don’t want a divorce or separation. The good news is that by researching how to get him back, you’ve shown that you have the initiative to save the marriage. Contrary to what some people believe, I believe that sometimes, it’s absolutely possible to save a marriage when you’re the only one who wants to. I’ve done that myself.  Sure, you’ll need to have your husband on board eventually, but there are many repairs that you can do on your own.

Step One:  Don’t Panic: This seems so obvious, but I think that it’s the number one mistake that wives make.  Anytime the words “divorce,” “trial separation,” or “splitting up,” are muttered or hinted at, wives panic.  And when they panic, they go into overdrive and act in such a way that is not typical of them and can seem very unattractive to their husbands.

I understand why we do this because I did it too. Your thoughts are telling you that the longer your husband is gone, the harder it is going to be to win him back.  So, you feel like you have to do something drastic immediately to change his mind and get him home.  While this thinking seems to make sense, it will drive you to do desperate things that will really push your husband further away.  A wife who acts irrationally and panicked and who’s calling, texting, following, or arguing all of the time is going to be a wife that a husband wants to get away from that much more.  Don’t fall into this trap and panic.  It will hurt your chances of getting your husband back more than it helps them.

Step Two: Set The Stage For Getting The Feelings Back By Finding Something That You Can Agree On: The biggest thing preventing getting back together with your husband is often not what most people think.  Most people assume that external factors like another woman are keeping their husband away. Or sometimes, insurmountable problems, stress, or crisis situations are cited.

All of these things are typically a symptom of a problem marriage rather than the cause.  The real reason husbands often leave is that they’ve lost the feelings that the relationship used to elicit in them.  They no longer feel intimate and connected and either don’t know how to or don’t want to (at least right now) return these positive feelings.

To get your husband back, you need to get the feelings to return as quickly as you can (without taking drastic, unbecoming actions.)  Remember that you can’t get close to your husband if he’s always ducking you or isn’t receptive to you. You don’t want to be on opposite sides or be arguing with him or be confrontational.

Instead, you want to be on his side (or at least make him think that you are). You do this by agreeing with him. Of course, what you choose to agree upon will depend upon your situation.  You may agree that the marriage needs work, or that he needs a break, or you may just pretend to agree with what he states is the cause of “wanting out.”

Before you become too resistant to this to give it a try, remember that you are doing it as a way to ultimately get what you want.  Ask yourself if you’d rather be right all the time or if you’d rather be happy.  Don’t let your anger and holding on to injustices keep you from reaching your goal. Understand that pretending to agree with your husband will immediately lessen any anger, tension, or awkwardness and this will put you in a much better place to repair your marriage.

Step Three: Make Your Husband Want To Come Back To You By  Presenting The Best Version Of Yourself (The Woman He Fell In Love With): Once you’ve at least pretended to agree and your husband, and he becomes more receptive to you, then, every chance you get, you want to present him with the woman he first fell in love with.

Now, this can be tricky.  Because you don’t want to be that nagging, hanging-on wife that we discussed earlier. The one who follows him around or acts like she is trying too hard. Your husband can’t suspect or think that you’re playing insincere games or have some sinister plan to get him back.  If he does, he’ll just become more resistant and the process will be harder.

Instead, you want to demonstrate that although you love your husband and very much want him back, you also love yourself enough to live your life as the attractive, intriguinginteresting, busy, full-of-life woman he first fell in love with.  This means that you get out and see friends, you pursue old hobbies and the things that made you happy, and you work on yourself.  I promise this will bring your husband closer to you rather than further away.  He’s likely going to become intrigued and wonder what is up with this new you.

Please think about the woman your husband first fell in love with and honestly evaluate how far you are from her today and make adjustments. And, I’m not just talking about looks and youth.  In fact, that’s really the least important thing (although you should absolutely look your personal best when you interact with your husband).  What’s most important is that you’re able to return the positive, loving, and empathetic feelings that made your husband want to marry you in the first place. This will make getting him back so much easier.

The truth is, you’re probably closer to getting your husband back than you think. Why? Because you’ve already made him fall in love with you once.  Therefore, you intuitively know what you have to do to make your husband fall in love with you again.

So, get moving.  And reintroduce yourself, (so you can eventually reintroduce your husband) to your old, engaging, loving, captivating self. Because in the end, (if you play your cards right and implement these methods in a convincing way), she’s what’s going to bring your husband back to you.

How do I know this? Because I lived it. I had to use this approach to get my husband back when I trying to save my marriage (and was the only one who wanted to). I made a lot of mistakes, but eventually, I was able to change course and regain my husband’s interest. Over time (and by taking calculated baby steps), I was able to reestablish intimacy and get him back. You can read more on my blog (which also has a link to a video that explains some of these techniques) at