How Do I Tell My Separated Spouse That They Are Calling Too Much? I Want The Time To Miss Them – Not Avoid Them

By: Leslie Cane:  A lot of the correspondence that I get has to do with communication during a separation.  Much of the time, one spouse thinks that the communication is too much and another thinks that it is not enough.  Or one spouse does not like the format of the communication, while the other thinks […]

My Spouse Is Very Critical And Judgmental Of My Family

By: Leslie Cane: It’s not uncommon for two spouses to discuss members of their extended family when they are alone together. They say these things in confidence, knowing that it is only between the two of them. These kinds of “us against them” conversations can be one of the things that helps keep a couple […]

I Just Had A Baby. And I Feel Numb Toward My Husband. Is This Normal? I Worry About It Hurting My Marriage

By: Leslie Cane: When we are newlyweds, many of us romanticize becoming parents. We think that a child is going to be proof of our love for our spouse and so we naturally assume that being parents is going to bring us much closer together. We assume that new parenthood is going to be one […]

How To Talk To My Husband About My Feelings? Why Does He Refuse To Understand Me Or Care? He Won’t Make Any Attempt Whatsoever

By: Leslie Cane: The vast majority of people that I hear from do not feel understood or heard by their spouse.  I find that many folks do not comprehend just how serious of a problem this might be.  Sure, no one is perfect at communicating or at reading someone else’s clues.  And sure, all marriages […]

I Don’t Like My Spouse Anymore. His Personality Annoys Me. What Does This Mean For My Marriage?

By: Leslie Cane: Many people are clear on the fact that, no matter what happens, they are committed to still loving their spouse. This, they figure, is the meaning of unconditional love. You love someone even when they aren’t at their most lovable and even when it’s not always easy for you. After all, love […]

I Think That The Stress Of Raising Teenagers Might Just Destroy My Marriage

By: Leslie Cane: We all know that when our children are infants and toddlers, these few years can be very hard on our marriages. As much as you love your children, you are forced to pour every ounce of energy and effort into them. This can take energy and effort that might have gone into […]

What Does It Really Mean When Your Husband Tells You “I Don’t Want To Be Married Anymore.”

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives get a very unfortunate, and sometimes sudden, message from their husbands.  Sometimes, this message appears to come out of nowhere and other times, there is some very obvious unhappiness and tension within the marriage before it comes.  Regardless, it can be devastating when your husband mutters the words: “I don’t […]

Some Common Contributing Factors To Separation Or Divorce And How To Fix Them

By: Leslie Cane: I often hear from folks who are already on a possible path toward divorce.  What I mean by that is that their spouse may have already filed for divorce or has already moved out.  Now, it is by no means impossible to save your marriage in these circumstances.  I did and many […]

How Do I Show My Spouse That I Have Truly Changed And Won’t Lie Anymore So He Won’t Leave Me?

By: Leslie Cane: There is very little that hurts as badly as knowing that your spouse might leave you for something that is entirely your fault and also for something that can not be undone. This feels even worse when the act was committed by someone who is a stranger to you today (because you […]

I Thought We Were Doing Better After My Husband Moved Out. But He Doesn’t Know If He Wants To Stay With Me For The Rest Of His Life

By: Leslie Cane: On the day of your marriage, you envision growing old with that man standing at the altar with you. The idea is that the two of you will navigate life’s good days and bad days together. On this day, virtually none of us envision that this ideal is not actually going to […]