How Do You Know When Your Marriage Is Over When You’re Separated?

By: Leslie Cane:  Often, people separate because they hope that the time apart will help to make the course of their marriage more clear.  The hope is often that one or both of the spouses will realize that they miss one another and really do want or need to stay together.  But, this hope doesn’t […]

My Husband Is Distancing Himself From Me During Our Separation. What Can Or Should I Do About This?

By: Leslie Cane:  Wives can be very disappointed that their marital separation is not going as well as they might have hoped.  Many had anticipated that the separation would make their husband miss them and, as the result, would bring them closer together.  However, unfortunately, sometimes the opposite happens and the wife finds the distance […]

Deciding Whether To Stay Together Or To Live Apart: Tips That Might Help

By: Leslie Cane:  There are people who are having a hard time living together, but who don’t want to live apart.  Still, despite this reluctance, they realize that something has got to change because they have become very unhappy living together and the situation has become difficult, if not unhealthy. Someone might explain: “my marriage […]

I’m Absolutely Miserable Since My Husband Left Me For A Trial Separation. Tips That Might Help

By: Leslie Cane:  Many wives are having a very difficult time coping after their husband has left them to pursue a trial separation.  They often aren’t sure how to constructively fill their time.  And they can find themselves always thinking about and dwelling on their husband and on their marriage.  Time seems to stand still […]

How Do Men Feel When They Tell Their Wife That They Are No Longer In Love With Her?

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are reeling from the message that they hoped that they would never have to hear. Their husbands are delivering the message that they are no longer in love with them. And sometimes, his delivery is as hurtful as the message that he is sending. A wife might have this sad […]

How To Act Around A Spouse Who Isn’t Sure About Your Marriage?

By: Leslie Cane: Many people feel as if they must walk on eggshells around their unhappy and unsure spouse. Often, their spouse has admitted that he is no longer sure about the marriage.  Many times, a separation or divorce has been suggested. The struggle might look like this: “my husband told me last week that […]

My Husband Says He Doesn’t Know What Happened To Our Marriage, But He Knows That He Isn’t Happy Anymore. What Does He Mean? What Can I Do?

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are dealing with husbands who are complaining about a change in the marriage.  Often, the husband is very clear on the fact that he isn’t happy, but he isn’t nearly as specific as to what has happened to make him so unhappy.  In fact, many husbands will tell you that […]

My Husband Wants To Leave Me And Maybe Get Divorced Because He Doesn’t Think He’s Good For Me

By: Leslie Cane:  Many wives are dealing with husbands who are distancing themselves or pulling away from the wife because of reasons that are hard to dispute.  An example is a husband claiming that he is motivated by what is best for his wife.  And often, he will claim that he, and the marriage, are […]

My Husband Wants A Separation But Is Acting So Nice To Me. Why?

By: Leslie Cane:  Many wives are confused about their husband’s behavior after he’s asked for a separation.  Sometimes, the husbands are distant and somewhat petty.  But other times, the husband’s behavior toward the wife has actually improved to the point where the wife would describe his behavior as nice or even pleasant. A wife might […]

How Do I Know If My Husband Is Just Coming Over To See The Kids During Our Separation?

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are happy that their husband is coming over regularly while they are separated. But, the wives sometimes can’t help but wonder if the husband is only coming over to see the children instead of being motivated by seeing them. A wife might say, in part: “my husband has been coming […]