My Husband Claims He Wants To Stay Married And To Save Our Marriage, But He Isn’t Making The Effort

By: Leslie Cane: I hear from wives who indicate that they are doing all of the heavy lifting to keep their marriage afloat or to save it. Many times, a husband will swear that he doesn’t want a divorce and that he’s willing to do whatever is necessary to save or preserve the marriage. But […]

My Husband Hasn’t Talked About The Divorce In Months. Does This Mean I’m In The Clear?

By: Leslie Cane: I speak with wives who know that their husband wants a divorce because he has either told them of his intentions directly or filed divorce papers. Sometimes though, the panic that they feel about this (especially when they don’t want a divorce) gets a reprieve because the husband one day just stops […]

How Do I Give My Husband What He Needs To Save Our Marriage?

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives who feel as if their marriage is in trouble suspect that they aren’t giving their husband what he needs to feel completely happy in the marriage. Sometimes, these unsatisfied husbands will tell their wives exactly why they are so unhappy with complaints like: “I just don’t feel like we’re compatible,” […]

My Separated Husband Says He’s Hurt Me Too Much To Come Home. What Now?

By: Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from wives whose husband is telling them that he isn’t ready to come home or commit to the marriage because he fears that he’s done something that has hurt her or his marriage too much. I might hear: “my husband left home about six weeks ago. He admitted to […]

We’re Trying To Save Our Marriage, But Things Feel Forced

I sometimes hear from people who are trying to save their marriages, but who aren’t sure if things are going as well as they had hoped. Many people tell me that things feel very awkward or “forced” and they are worried that this means that they are just not going to make it. A wife […]

My Husband Says If He Comes Home Now, It Will Only Be Out Of Guilt

By: Leslie Cane: I  hear from wives who are trying everything in their power to get their husbands to come back home. And some of the husbands will give the wives every reason under the sun why he can’t come home. Sometimes, these reasons sound a lot like excuses and the wife can begin to […]

I Left My Husband Because Of Another Man. We’re Separated And Now I Regret It. What Now?

By: Leslie Cane: Most of the time, I hear from wives who are trying to save their marriages because their husband wants a divorce, separation, or break. But occasionally, I hear from wives who were the ones who initiated the separation and they now very much regret that decision. Often, they’re very worried that this […]

For How Long Should I Hold On To My Marriage If My Husband Has Feelings For Someone Else?

By Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from wives who are well aware that their marriage is only hanging by a thread. Many feel as if they are barely hanging on. Sometimes, it’s pretty clear that the husband’s heart isn’t fully in it, although perhaps he has made a commitment to you and your marriage.  Sometimes, […]

My Husband Will Not Even Talk About Saving Our Marriage. And He Won’t Listen Either

By: Leslie Cane: I often hear from wives who want to know how to broach the conversation about saving their marriage. And, they want to make sure that when they are having this discussion, their husband is agreeable to what they are saying. No one wants to feel as though they’re speaking to a brick […]

My Husband Says He Wants To See Where Our Relationship Leads As Friends

By: Leslie Cane:   One thing that frustrates many wives who are newly separated or taking a husband initiated “break” from their marriage is the husband’s lack of clarity about how things are going to work.  The wife often wishes that he could be specific about how things are going to unfold in the days and […]