People Who Were Almost Divorced But Saved Their Marriages. What Do They Have in Common?

By: Leslie Cane: I know firsthand that when you’re reluctantly separated, you often scour the internet, social media, and forums looking for evidence that people on the brink of divorce were able to save their marriages. If they can do it, you figure, then perhaps you can do it too.

I had those same thoughts, and I did eventually save my marriage. I still made many preventable mistakes, but those tidbits I read about couples on the brink of divorce did reassure me. And since I’ve come out on the other side, eventually saved my marriage, and dialogued with couples who have successfully gone through this, I believe I know several things these couples have in common.  

I’ll list them here. I hope they are helpful. Keep in mind, though, that what may work for some won’t likely work for everyone. You may have to try different things as your situation allows to see what works best for you. Here are the attributes that I’ve seen in couples who’ve turned it around:

One Person Is Motivated:  One of the most common concerns I hear is that one spouse believes she needs to save the marriage herself, and she doubts that this will be possible. I won’t lie. It can be an uphill climb at times. But it is not impossible. For quite a while, I was the only one in my marriage interested in saving it. My husband doubted it was possible and just wasn’t going to put in the effort because he felt it was all a waste of time. His apathy remained no matter how much I tried to beg him, guilt him, or manipulate him. 

That meant that only one person could save us initially – me. And while I ultimately couldn’t do it alone because I eventually needed his cooperation to reconcile, I could do a great deal initially. I was able to make some important progress all on my own. Once my husband saw this progress, he wasn’t as reluctant as before, and he did eventually participate in the process of our reconciliation.  

But none of this would have happened if I’d lost motivation. It was clear to me that my marriage depended on me. There were days when it honestly seemed hopeless and more prudent to give up. Thankfully, I just didn’t have the quit in me at the time. I’m grateful for that now.

An Acceptance that You Can’t Think or Talk Your Way Out of This:  When you’re marriage is in trouble, it’s a fair bet that you and your spouse disagree on some things. Because of this, it’s easy to believe that if you can explain your viewpoint effectively enough, or work hard enough to change his mind, then you’re home free. In my experience and observation, it’s just not going to work this way.  

He likely believes in his viewpoints every bit as much as you do. The conflict isn’t going to magically disappear just because you talk about it repeatedly. Instead, you’re usually going to need to take some action to make some change. It’s ideal if you BOTH make some changes. But initially, you may have to go first. And that can be okay if your taking the initiative is the change that jumpstarts the cooperation necessary to get this process started.  

Someone is Willing to be Vulnerable and Try Something New: If you’re determined to keep going in your relationship the same way, you’re going to get the same results – a marriage in trouble. I do realize that you may be in a situation where you don’t feel that any of this is your fault. I felt that way at times. But eventually, I realized that either way, it was my responsibility to take part in fixing whatever was broken because if I didn’t do it, it might not get done. 

So I had to take a very honest look at the things that were not working in my marriage and be willing to replace those things with something else. This wasn’t always comfortable. I am set in my ways, and I didn’t always like walking outside of my comfort zone. But my husband noticed and then appreciated the effort, making it absolutely worth it. 

There’s a Willingness to See Things From the Other Spouse’s Perspective: I knew what was wrong with my marriage from my own perspective, but my husband didn’t share my views. So continuing on from that perspective wasn’t going to change a thing. I had to look at my marriage from my husband’s perspective. After all, I knew the marriage like the back of my hand from my point of view, but that hadn’t saved us.  

So I got ruthless, and I thought about my marriage in the way that he would. This shift was eye-opening. And a bit hurtful because I had to look at my own flaws. But, this process gave me a really nice road map of what I could address in my marriage. It allowed me to know that if I could successfully address the problems my husband perceived were most troublesome, then he might change his perspective.

There is Patience and Flexibility: Some couples get very lucky. Their separation doesn’t last for very long, and reconciliation comes quickly. But this isn’t true for everyone. Sometimes, unless you just want to give in and “call it” on your marriage, you are going to have to wait it out. You’re going to have some days where you doubt that this will ever end well, and yet, you’re going to have to keep going anyway. 

There will be days when the anger spills over and you wonder how this will ever turn around, and you’ll have to let things calm down before you pick back up again. Sometimes, you’ll need to give things time as you try new strategies, hit setbacks, or just feel discouraged. All of this requires patience. And having patience isn’t easy. But if I didn’t have patience, I would be divorced today. 

A Willingness to Work Together and Compromise When It Matters: If you are lucky and skillful, there will come a time when your spouse becomes less hostile and more receptive. Hopefully, you will have the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and try to make this marriage work again. When that time comes, you must approach things with a spirit of cooperation and compromise.  

Neither of you can expect to get everything you want, nor should either of you expect to make every concession. Instead, you want to work together so that both people are satisfied. You want each person to give a bit to get even more. It is important to think in the long term. Don’t think about the habits, beliefs, and resentments that you are giving up. Think about the new marriage you are gaining. 

I know that this process can ask a lot of you.  I’ve been there.  But I believe these attributes can save marriages.  They certainly helped to save mine.  You can read more about how I did this at

When Your Separated Husband Abruptly Stops Communicating

By: Leslie Cane: I often hear from wives who don’t understand why things suddenly went south during their marital or trial separation. Many of them truly felt that things were going as well as might be expected. Sure, things might have been moving more slowly or less decisively than hoped, but at least they were able to communicate with their separated husband and feel somewhat hopeful about the future. 

Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, something seemingly changed for the husband. He’s gone silent or stopped communicating, and the wife just isn’t sure why.

She might say, “I am not going to lie and claim that we were close to reconciling or getting back together because that isn’t true. But I thought we were holding our own as far as our marriage was concerned. He was always willing to communicate with me, although it was always me who was initiating the communication. Still, he picked up when I called or responded when I texted. We weren’t having earth-shattering conversations or anything, but at least we were regularly talking. I had a loose understanding of what was going on with his life, and I at least knew that he was okay. However, as of last weekend, he cut off all communication. He just stopped answering my calls and texts. At first, I was very worried, but I reached out to a mutual friend who’d gone to a sporting event with him over the weekend and who has seen my husband multiple times since he stopped communicating. And the friend assures me that my husband is completely fine, although the friend claims my husband hasn’t said anything about me or given any indication that he’s gone silent. I don’t like to put our friends in the middle of this, so I’ve tried not to pressure my friend too much. If I’m being honest, I haven’t really taken no for an answer. I keep trying to communicate and my husband keeps just not responding. I wonder if he has blocked me. I wonder what I’ve done wrong. I keep replaying our latest conversations in my head, and nothing bad happened. He got off the phone just as cordial as he was before. He didn’t express any anger or mention anything that was bothering him. It is like he was fine one minute and just gone the next. What can be happening? What should I do? It’s clear he doesn’t want to respond to me. I’ve considered just showing up where he is, but I worry about how he would react to that.”

I would think twice about just showing up. Considering his current behavior, it’s not likely to go well, and you don’t want to get into a situation where you have a confrontation and as a result he thinks he needs to do even more to block you. The entire goal here is to eventually regain access to him. So don’t make the process harder than it already is. 

Possible Reasons for Why He Stopped Communicating: Before we talk about what to do, let’s get some perspective on why this might be happening.  

You always want to ask yourself if it’s possible that he discovered something or heard something that made him change his attitude toward you or the marriage. Since you can’t come up with anything when you think back to communications, is it possible that he discovered or heard something about which you don’t yet know?

If the answer is no, then you want to consider that perhaps he believes that he needs some time to himself. This sometimes happens, especially with spouses who were seeking space or time apart. If they perceive that there’s too much communication and not enough privacy, they will sometimes just try to take that time and privacy by force. They’ll try to give themselves the time and space that they’ve always said they needed.

Where to go from Here:  I know that it may feel like you don’t have many options. But sometimes, your own silence speaks volumes. You know that your husband is okay. If you feel the need to communicate one last time before you change strategies, you might ask your mutual friend to tell him that you hope everything is okay and that you’ll wait to hear from him. Or, you may text the same message.

After that communication, it is honestly best most of the time to just give him some space. I’m not saying that you have to accept no communication for an endless amount of time. But I am suggesting that often, when you do give him the space and time that he is trying to force, he will be able to loosen his grasp once he sees that you’re no longer making him take such a strong stance.

Some of the time, when you go silent for a while, positive things will eventually happen. He will begin to wonder why he hasn’t heard from you – much in the way you’ve wondered the same about him. Or his curiosity will increase. Or, he’ll find that he misses you more than he expected, and he will reach out to resume communication.

My point is that sometimes you don’t need to do much more than to just give it some time and follow his lead. Sometimes, he will reverse course on his own. And by just waiting, you’ve done nothing to make the situation worse. So when he does resume communication, there is no damage to clean up. 

I know that, in a sense, this is like asking you to take a leap of faith. I know that you will worry that you’re not going to ever hear from him, and by willingly going silent, you’re ensuring that once you’re out of sight, you will be out of mind.  

I had these same thoughts. And I allowed them to contribute to my continuing to try to force my husband into communication that he didn’t want. So he completely removed himself from my life for a while. It wasn’t until I had to give him space by force that things eventually changed for the better.  Once I understood that it was better to willingly give space than it have it forced upon me, everything changed.  And my new strategy meant that we eventually reconciled.  You can read about that at 

How Do I Control What Happens During Our Trial Separation So That We Stay Married?

By: Leslie Cane: When you are separated from your spouse, it is very natural to want to control as much as you can. It would be great if you had some say in what your spouse did, how he felt, the actions he took, and the ultimate outcome of your separation.

Unfortunately, as soon as the separation begins, you will often feel less in control than you ever have in your relationship. You can’t always know where he is, or what he is doing, or what he wants or feels. You can’t control what he is thinking about you or the marriage or how he spends his time. Although you’d certainly like to, you can’t necessarily control who he is with and what activities he is participating in. 

This lack of control can cause a serious case of anxiety and rumination. After all, if you can’t control how this separation works, how can you be sure that you’ll stay married? The truth is, sometimes, perhaps you can’t. But I believe that you can maximize your odds. Ironically though, some of the time, you need to strategically give up SOME control to maintain the most important elements of control. I’ll explain more below. 

Taking Control of the Most Important Elements First: If at all possible, you want to leave things on a positive note between you and your spouse. Specifically, you want as much access to your husband as you can get. That’s a lot easier to accomplish if you can minimize the animosity, anger, and awkwardness between you. So as tempting as it might be to debate, argue, or split hairs about control right now, resist that urge. Try to remember that the end goal is for him to think favorably of you so that you will have access.

If at all possible, it’s best to try to agree on the type and frequency of communication as soon as possible, ideally before he leaves or the separation begins. Without at least some understanding and agreement about communication, it’s very easy for insecurity and suspicion to take hold if he goes silent, even when it’s for an innocent reason.  

By agreeing to communicate beforehand, that is one less worry. And it allows you to know that you’ll at least get to talk to him at regular intervals so you can put your energy somewhere else. Bonus points if you can agree to get him to see you in person regularly or go to counseling. If not, you’ll need to build slowly by keeping your communication positive and light, so that he wants to continue communicating and you can gradually up the ante. 

Strategic Ways to Give Up Control When You Have or Need To:  What I’m about to write about isn’t my proudest moment, but I believe there’s an important lesson here. I couldn’t get my husband to agree to a defined communication schedule, so I pretty much stalked him when I became panicked about not knowing any details about what was going on with him. I’d assume he was having the time of his life, going out with other people, seeking new challenges and experiences, and just generally moving on. 

When I’d attempt to communicate with him, he was cordial at first, but he quickly lost patience and told me to let him contact me the next time. I truly intended to do just that. I really did. But as time went by and he maintained his silence, I started to get restless again. The pressure began to build up, and I gave in to my worst impulses. Needless to say, my husband completely lost patience and made it much harder for me to have access to him, which only increased my panic level. As I pulled and he pushed, our marriage deteriorated more and more. The misunderstandings became more frequent.

I continued to make things worse for myself because I couldn’t honor my husband’s requests. I knew that something had to give, so I went out of town for just a little while to force myself to go quiet. You can avoid this mistake. You don’t need to take such desperate actions if you don’t try to over-control in the first place.

Thankfully, though, this shift made such a difference. My husband soon learned that I could stick to my promises and eventually, he became receptive to me again. Eventually, he became the one to call me, although this shift took time.

I don’t think this would have happened if I had continued to try to control every single thing about the separation. Here is the truth: you can’t make him give you more time, access, and affection than he is ready to give, no matter how much you may want to. Trying to force it will often mean you’ll lose any ground gained, and you’ll have to work twice as hard to get it back.

Ask yourself what control compromises you can live with because if you don’t, that decision could very well be made for you. Try your best to respect his reasonable boundaries and honor the promises you’ve already made. That way, he’ll have absolutely no reason for animosity or for pulling back.  

I realize I’m asking a great deal from you. I know that it is very counterintuitive to relinquish control when you want to grab at control with both hands. I’m not saying that you should expect nothing from your husband, and just passively wait for him to come around.

But I am suggesting that you agree on a communication schedule and boundaries, and then you uphold your end of the bargain. Keep yourself very busy if you have to. Hang out with friends, pursue new interests, reconnect with family, and take care of yourself. He will then see that you respect yourself and aren’t falling prey to hurtful, yet common mistakes.

Giving the Illusion of Collaboration: Unfortunately, very few separated wives can control every aspect of the separation. Trying to do so will often make things worse and will mean that you and your husband are on separate sides. This is the last thing you want. Instead, you want him to believe that you are doing everything in your power to work with him instead of against him. 

As I alluded to, I stumbled onto giving up some control because I had no choice.  However, if I hadn’t messed up so badly from the jump, I probably could have avoided the desperate measures I had to take.  We did eventually reconcile once I learned how to prioritize the strategies that were most likely to work and I abandoned those that weren’t.  You can read the whole story at

What Should I Do If My Husband Says He Doesn’t Want Me Anymore?

By: Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from wives who have heard a hurtful and disturbing message. No matter what words or phrases have been used, a husband has told the wife that he doesn’t want her – or the marriage – anymore. He may say this very directly. Or he may give the wife very vague statements and then withdraw his affection, making it clear that he’s no longer invested in the marriage.  

No matter how he tells you, these words hurt and make you wonder if your marriage stands any chance at all. A wife might say, “My husband and I have been struggling for months. So the fight that we had last night wasn’t a surprise. It’s been building for quite a long time. However, the words my husband said to me were so direct and sounded so final, that it felt very shocking to me. He told me that he was tired of us going round and round and never having any improvement in our marriage. He told me that he wasn’t happy anymore. And he straight up said that he doesn’t want me anymore. I wish I could say that I responded effectively, but I didn’t. I was basically struck dumb and mainly could only stare at him. Eventually, I excused myself, and we haven’t talked about it since. He hasn’t said anything about moving out, and as far as I know, he hasn’t yet taken any action. But I don’t see how he won’t eventually, considering what he said to me. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with this news. What are you supposed to do when your husband tells you that he doesn’t want you anymore?

I think that the answer depends on if you want him anymore. If you are still invested in your marriage, then you’ll probably want to take some careful, but directed action. It may be positive that he hasn’t taken any steps toward moving out or ending the marriage yet. This means that you may have some time. Now is not the time to panic, although I know it may be hard not to. 

Keep Things In Perspective:  Although your husband’s words hurt, they were likely meant to get your attention. When issues and pressure build-up and nothing changes in your marriage, it’s not uncommon for one of the spouses to say something particularly shocking to get the other’s attention. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a kernel of truth in his words – he may well be beyond frustrated, but he might be delivering his message in a dramatic way that is meant to shock you into taking some action. He confirmed that he is tired of nothing ever changing. If you are still invested in your marriage, it’s a good idea to be proactive now rather than waiting for the next shoe to fall.

Respond Carefully:  It’s probably optimal to let things cool off for a day or two before you attempt to respond to your husband’s words. When you do, you want to be very careful. You don’t want to come across as desperate or panicked. You don’t want to be overly defensive or imply that your husband has no right to want to be happier or to voice his feelings. Instead, you may want to try something like, “I heard what you said loud and clear, but, on my end, I don’t feel the same way. I still want our marriage, and I still want you. I hope that in the coming weeks, you’ll let me prove to you that things can improve if we take action rather than lashing out at each other.”

Then wait and see if he has any response. It might be too soon for him to hop on board because he may have his doubts about what you are saying. If that is the case, you’ll have to prove that real change is possible as you are able to. He may resist you or doubt you or just not be receptive. You may have to keep going with a positive attitude and wait him out. My husband wanted nothing to do with a reconciliation at first. I just had to keep going anyway until I could finally convince him that I’d made meaningful, lasting changes. And this took time because he had doubts that he wasn’t willing to part with.  

Moving Forward as You are Able: One of the trickiest things about this situation is that sometimes, you will have to work on your own. If you have a resistant husband who thinks he isn’t invested and believes that nothing is going to change, you have a challenge to overcome. He likely won’t help you. He may not even believe you. So you’ll have to take advantage of even the smallest opportunities to prove him wrong.  

The requires an extreme amount of patience and determination at times. He may even openly thwart you or tell you that your efforts won’t work. As hard as it may feel, you’ll have to keep going anyway, although sometimes you may have to regroup and wait. If he’s extremely resistant or hostile, sometimes you’ll need to take a break and allow things to cool off.  

You have to become very good at reading his cues to know when you can try to move forward and know when you can wait. Before I learned this subtle difference, I would sometimes make things worse for myself. Because I would push too hard for too long and then my husband would push back, and I’d have even more ground to make up.

Sometimes the best thing that you can do is to wait. If the time isn’t right, pick a better time. I know that you can feel as if you have to do something right this second, but that isn’t always true. Sometimes if you are patient, calm, reassuring, and pleasant, things will improve without your needing to pound the table too hard. And with improvement, he should become more receptive. Once he is receptive, that is when the real work can begin. 

If it helps, you can read about the gradual approach that I eventually lucked into at

What to Say to Save Your Marriage

By: Leslie Cane: There’s no question that many desperate spouses are looking for something to do or say to save their marriage. Often, one spouse is considering a way out while the other wants to save the marriage at all costs. So sometimes, there can be an idea that if you just knew what to say, or you could say what is in your heart with the right words, you could somehow save your marriage.

A wife in this situation might say, “My husband and I are separated, and because he doesn’t live here, I don’t get to talk to him as often as I’d like. When I do talk to him, I have to be very hesitant because, at times, it’s like talking to a stranger. He is quick to anger, and he constantly finds fault with whatever I say. Lately, it is hard for us to talk without fighting. I so badly want to change this dynamic because I so badly want to save my marriage. I don’t think that he’s nearly as motivated to do that as I am. Lately, when I’m around him, I get tongue-tied. I know that there must be something to say that will make my situation better and hopefully lead to me saving my marriage. But I don’t know what that something is. Everything I try gets a poor response. What can I say to my husband to save my marriage?”

I too used to think that there were magic words that would help me save my marriage when I was separated. And frankly, I did save my marriage. But it wasn’t solely because of what I said. It was because of what I said and THEN because of what I did

Don’t get me wrong. There are definitely words and phrases that you can use that might get your husband’s attention. And I’ll share them below. But if all you do is talk, your husband is likely to remain unconvinced and think that you are all talk and no action.

While the perfect thing to say is going to be individual to many couples and based on the situation, I believe that some general phrases can work well in most situations. You can tweak these phrases to be more personal to your situation and your marriage. Below are the phrases that I think are beneficial. 

I Want to Listen to What You Have to Say:  

If you remember nothing else from this article, please remember this. Your spouse wants to be heard. Your spouse wants to believe that you understand and appreciate what he’s telling you. He wants to know that you will sit there and allow him to talk uninterrupted until he is finished saying what he needs to say.

Even more importantly, he wants to know that you understand what he is saying and that you don’t judge him for it even if you think that he is wrong. It’s important that if you say that you’re willing to listen, you are willing to back it up and listen without judgment or interruption. Your goal is to make him feel heard first and foremost. Do not have any other agenda because he can tell the difference.

Initially, he may not wish to talk about anything that seems important or earth shattering. That’s okay. You just want to set a precedent of him talking and you listening.

What is the One Thing You Would Change if You Could?  

Sometimes, it is tricky to ask this question. Sometimes, you have to sneak it in at a nostalgic or unexpected moment, but the answer to this question is important. Because you’re often not dealing with only one issue when you are separated. There is likely more than one.  

As a result, it’s easy to become scattered, overwhelmed, and discouraged. It can feel like you have too many problems to effectively solve, and so you may as well give up. But if you can talk your husband into naming the most troublesome problem, then suddenly you know where to place your focus.

And if you have success on that one issue, then your husband may begin to realize that making positive changes is no longer out of the question. 

I’m Willing to Compromise or Meet You HalfWay:  

People who tell me that there is no hope for their marriage often don’t understand one very important truth. Being apart from your spouse and being alone has a way of making people more willing to compromise than they were before.

There were some issues about which I was unwilling to budge in my own marriage – until I spent weeks and weeks alone. And then you can bet that I became more willing to give a little. The issues that seemed so set in stone before suddenly seemed more flexible.  

People’s perceptions can definitely change during a separation, and you can often use this to your advantage.

I’m Willing to Be Patient and Take a Gradual Approach:

So often in this separation scenario, I see one spouse who wants some space and time and another spouse who wants to lure the other home as soon as possible. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that something has to give.

When you have an immediate or an “all or nothing” mindset, you’re much more likely to pressure your husband. And husbands who initiate separations don’t want to be pressured. They want time.  

This may not be what you want to hear. I didn’t want to hear this, either. I fought against it with everything I had because I had my own agenda. But I was forced to accept a more gradual timeline.

Don’t wait until you are forced. You will do yourself a huge favor if you accept that this process might gradual. I know you want magic words that you can say and have everything all fall into place. And saying the right words at the right time definitely helps and gives you a starting point. But you’ll need to follow those words with actions and work methodically to truly save your marriage so that both spouses are equally on board and enthusiastic.

I know that the process may seem daunting to you now, but it’s not impossible. My marriage truly looked doomed. And I was able to be eventually be successful. You can read the whole story at

I Feel Like My Marital Separation Has Made Me the Worst Version of Myself

By: Leslie Cane: It’s a somewhat cruel irony. When you are separated but are hoping to reconcile, it is advantageous to display your best self to your husband as often as you can. This helps him to miss you, see what he is missing, and remember what he loved about you in the first place. Unfortunately, this best version of yourself often goes into hiding during your separation – precisely when you need her to show herself the most.

A wife might say, “There is no other way to say it. I am an emotional and even a physical mess since my husband and I separated. I looked in the mirror this morning, and I didn’t even recognize myself. I have bags under my eyes. I look haunted. I look frightened. But it’s more than just my looks. Emotionally, I am lost. I walk around so frightened all of the time, like something awful is just around the corner, and there is no way for me to prevent it. My husband is doing much better during this separation than I am. He seems to be coping well. He almost seems to be happier, and I almost begrudge him this, which makes me feel extremely petty. I shouldn’t want my husband to feel pain, but if I am being honest, I’d feel better if I thought he was experiencing some of the same pain that I am experiencing. I find myself wanting him to feel the longing that I feel. I am jealous of his friends who get to spend time with him. I am insecure and unsure about what I might have to offer now. And I know I have to snap out of this. Why would he want me back if he knew I was like this? But I am not sure how to stop.”

I understand where you are. I too was stuck in unproductive loops of rumination during my own separation. And it wasn’t just one specific thing that got me out of it. Rather, it was a combination of surrounding myself with loving support, forcing myself to do things that distracted me from my unrelenting focus on my fears, therapy, a change in approach when it came to my husband, and a whole lot of self-care.

Thankfully, as I improved myself, my relationship with my husband began to improve also. But that was a long time coming. I really got to a low bottom before I realized that I had to change something, as much for myself as for my marriage. I was very unhappy and I was suffering and trapped in my own negative thoughts. And I needed to change for myself every bit as much as I needed to change for my marriage.

Below, I’ll offer some specifics that helped me. I didn’t do all of these things all at once. That would have felt a bit overwhelming. Instead, I gained momentum quite slowly.

Loving Support:

I can’t lie about this one. I’m just lucky. I have family members and friends who weren’t going to allow me to brush them off. Oh, I tried. I tried very hard. I was downright rude and reclusive sometimes. But the people who loved me refused to be put off. They forced me to go places and do things with them. Sometimes, this was the last thing I wanted to do. But every single time I went, I felt better. Eventually, as I saw over and over again that being with others benefitted me, I stopped fighting it.

Focusing on Other Things:

If you sit in your home and think about your husband and your separation every minute, you will ruminate. And that rumination feeds upon itself until you’re thinking of nothing but the worst-case scenarios.

I found that I couldn’t “think” myself out of ruminations. Instead, I had to literally force myself to do something else. Often, this involved getting out of the house and helping someone else. Other times, it was a physical activity such as washing my car, organizing my closets, taking a painting class, or even exercising. My home has never been that clean and organized again, but staying busy made me feel like I’d accomplished something, and it paused the ruminating.

In time, this new focus calmed me down, and my husband definitely eventually noticed the shift, but more than that, it made my situation more bearable.

A Shift of Focus:

When I first began my separation, my focus was almost entirely on what I lacked. To put it bluntly, I felt very sorry for myself. And my focus was solely on me – what I wanted, what I didn’t have, what I had lost. I was miserable, and I was miserable to be around in that state. If there’s any good news about feeling this way, it is that eventually, it becomes so exhausting that you realize you want it to stop immediately, and you look for ways to shake it off.

I did seek help from a therapist, and I thought long and hard about whether my mindset was serving me. I looked in my journal and was able to clearly see that my thought patterns were extremely negative and self-limiting. I had to work very hard on consciously changing the way that I was thinking. I was living as if the worst had already happened, so I was doubling my fear and misery. Changing my thinking required constant work and scrutiny. I had to learn how to question the thoughts that were constantly popping into my head as well as my assumptions, but doing this made my thinking clearer, which improved my situation substantially.

I stayed in a better headspace for a while without doing any additional work. But when I felt I’d been stable for a while and was therefore ready, I took an honest look at my part in the deterioration of my marriage and made some genuine, but sustainable changes. I didn’t know if these things would make any difference to my husband, but I knew that these changes were needed regardless.

As I slowly began to make many improvements, my self-esteem improved. This is very important. It is so much easier to sell your husband an improved, more vibrant version of yourself if you know that it’s actually true. Do whatever you need to do to improve your self-esteem. It’s very important. And don’t always assume that your husband is doing great while you are not. You can’t know someone else’s reality.

I don’t want to make it sound like I got better immediately. That’s just not true. This was a gradual process, and I had plenty of miserable days, but I just got tired of always feeling bad about my situation and about myself. There is no shame in getting help if you need it. But if you feel as if you need a change, then start small and go about making it. Don’t take on too much, but slowly and steadily do small things that you know in your heart will make things better.

You’re welcome to read about my own process during my separation at  My progress wasn’t always linear, but there were some small shifts that made big differences.

Why Hasn’t My Husband Reached Out After Two Weeks of Separation?

By: Leslie Cane: One of the most confusing things to unpack during a marital separation is how often the spouses will communicate with one another. Very often, the two spouses have different wishes about the amount of communication between them. That’s because it’s not uncommon that one spouse wants more space and time apart while the other spouse needs communication to feel reassured. So you get one spouse pushing away while the other spouse is trying to pull closer. Needless to say, this can create tension and confusion.

Often, wives who didn’t want to separate and who now want more communication worry when their husband isn’t reaching out or taking calls or texts.

One of them might say, “when my husband left our house for a separation, I asked when I might hear from him. He said that I should let him be the one to call me because he just needed space for a while, and he didn’t feel that we should be in constant contact with each other. He strongly felt that we needed to give each other some time. There was no way that I could change his mind about this even though I didn’t agree, so I said nothing. Now it has been over two weeks. I still haven’t heard from him, and I’m panicked. I know he’s fine because I’m in contact with his sister. I worry that he has no intention of calling me and that I’ll hear from him when it’s time for me to get divorce papers. Otherwise, why wouldn’t he have called?”

This Silence Can Be Painful, But It Can Also Be Normal:

I know firsthand how bad this feels. It feels like the worst sort of rejection, and it feels like the confirmation of your worst fears. However, he may be still settling in, evaluating, and taking his space. His keeping silent right now doesn’t mean that he will do so forever. Plus, he may be trying to set a precedent of having some space. This is not uncommon at the beginning of a separation. He hasn’t had time to miss you or to feel the void of things that he is now missing in his life. Once he does, that’s when it is common to see him initiate more contact. But it’s a little too early for that phase right now.

How to Move Forward While Still Respecting Boundaries:

If you’re having a very hard time doing nothing, I don’t think that it would be too catastrophic to just send a quick text asking if everything is okay. Yes, I know you know that he is okay, but you’re still within your rights to ask. He’s still your husband and you still care about his wellbeing. He’s free to answer the text at his own convenience with as much as or little information as he wants. Most people wouldn’t object to that little bit of contact. His response may also give you a bit more information about where he is at mentally and emotionally.

Understand the Balance You’re Seeking:

I admit that this situation is quite tricky. Your husband has gone out of his way to try to set boundaries with communication. If he perceives that you’re repeatedly going to try to cross these boundaries, he may pull away or, even worse, make it harder for you to contact him.

That doesn’t mean that you have to pretend like he doesn’t exist and just wait endlessly for him to call you. But it might mean that you have to be careful with reading his cues when you do communicate. If it’s obvious that he’s frustrated and non-receptive, then you may want to give it some time. If he’s happy to hear from you or reaches out to you, then it’s probably a little safer to move forward.

Maximizing Opportunities:

In the beginning of your separation, you’re still trying to establish what is normal or comfortable, so communication might naturally be less at first. That means that you’ll need to make the most of it when it happens. As best as you can, try to make speaking or communicating a pleasurable experience. You may not exactly feel upbeat, but that doesn’t mean you can’t convey the same. Try to make sure that he leaves the conversation not opposed to speaking with you again soon.

Yes, this may mean that you need to save the difficult conversations for later. Initially, you’re only trying to establish regular, positive rapport. You’ll build on that later, but in the beginning, things are usually too delicate to do much heavy lifting, unless you have a very willing partner.

You’ll help yourself considerably if you find a way to be lighthearted and playful when you may be feeling anything but. I know this sounds like I’m asking you to fake it. I’m really not. You can be as honest as you need to with your journal, therapist, and friends. But when you’re trying to get your spouse comfortable talking to you regularly, you want that to be a pleasant experience. It can’t be pleasant if you spend that time projecting your fears and doubts onto the conversation.

I do realize that eventually, you will need to have some difficult conversations, but the time is usually not in the beginning of your separation. Because in the beginning, you’re establishing your new normal and you want to make sure it’s clear that you welcome regular, productive, but easy and low-pressure communication.

If all you talk about is pleasant small talk but you both enjoy it, that’s totally fine initially. You could talk about sports or the weather as long as you’re both willingly participating in the conversation. I know it may seem silly and like you’re taking a step backward to lower the pressure, but you’re trying to establish a positive base on which you can work and build.

To answer the original question, though, you might not yet have heard from your husband because he’s still working on those boundaries or he doesn’t yet feel he’s had enough space. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with briefly reaching out, but I’d keep it positive and brief.

I say this only because I’ve been there.  My husband was very non-responsive initially during our separation and I made it worse with my pushing and my constant need for reassurance.  As a result, I made much more work for myself.  Eventually, my hard-headed self realized that I needed to strategically back away some to gain some ground. You can read that story at



If a Man Doesn’t Want to Be Married Anymore, Is There Anything That Can Be Done?

By: Leslie Cane: It can be a very difficult thing to hear your husband tell you that he doesn’t want to be married to you anymore. It’s a hopeless feeling to believe that the future of your marriage is entirely out of your hands. It can feel as if no matter what you do, you’re subject to the whims of someone else – and someone who doesn’t love you in the same way that he used to.

A wife might say, “I told my mother that my husband has started to say that he isn’t sure if he wants to be married anymore. He’s told me that he’s unhappy being married, and he thinks he might be happier being single. He says our problems are just too numerous to overcome. I disagree with this more than I can express. Although we have more than a few problems, most of them stem from the same thing – money, power, and who makes the decisions in our marriage. If we could solve these things, they are all related to every issue that we have. My mother doesn’t buy any of this. She says that as soon as an unhappy man wants out of his marriage in the way that mine does, it’s over. There’s nothing more that you can do. She says that I might get him to change his mind for a short period of time, but all I would be doing is delaying the inevitable. She says he’s eventually going to be gone for good no matter how much time I’m able to buy myself. Is she right? I’m not sure that I could stand trying my very best only to face the pain of him rejecting me twice. Can anything be done when a man wants out of his marriage?”

There is Always Something That You Can Try:

Everyone is different. But if nothing could be done when a man was unhappy in his marriage, I wouldn’t be married today. I find that people who couldn’t save their own relationships will sometimes tell you that you can’t save yours. You don’t have to listen if you don’t think that’s not in your best interests.

There was a time when my husband made no secret about his unhappiness. We separated, and he moved out. It took a long time for me to gain any ground. In fact, I had friends and family telling me that the best thing I could do for myself would be to give up and bow out gracefully. I couldn’t bring myself to do that. Honestly, I really tried for a while. But I just couldn’t do it. Instead, I worked on addressing what I could – myself and the marital issues over which I had some control. And that is why I’m still married today.

Pick Your Issues Carefully:

Admittedly, I couldn’t control what my husband did or felt. But I did have some control over what happened between us when we were together or when we did interact. As I was able to make some gradual and notable improvements, my husband’s perceptions of the hopelessness of our situation began to improve just a little. At the time, that didn’t amount to a hill of beans in terms of completely saving my marriage, but it was still something. It was better than the situation continuing to deteriorate. And it gave me a reason to keep going.

In Order to Have a Chance, You Usually Must Change Something That Your Husband Will Notice and Appreciate:

Your mother might be right in her assertion that nothing would change if your situation was going to stay the same. In other words, if you did absolutely nothing to change your husband’s level of discontent, what incentive would he have to change his mind about wanting out of the marriage?

If, on the other hand, you get real honest about why your husband is unhappy and then you successfully and methodically address each reason as you can, you have a much better chance of changing his mind.

Your husband has already given you a big clue or a road map of sorts. He’s said that he thinks your problems are too numerous. But what would happen if suddenly some of those problems began to drop away? He could no longer make that argument.

Now, I admit, you’re going to have to choose the problems that you can begin to tackle on your own. You’re going to have to look at places where you’ve been unwilling to give or yield in the past. You’re going to need to ask yourself if you yourself would want to be married to you and why. And then dig a little deeper. Where could you change to be a better spouse? What could you do to make each day a little better? What could you do to lighten your husband’s load and show him that you care every single day?

I’m asking these things because a man who feels seen, cared for, and heard is going to have less of a reason to look for an exit than a man who does not.

I don’t mean to imply that all of the work should fall on your shoulders, but right now, it makes sense to at least begin to make some changes alone. That way, there’s no need to wait and you can get started right away.

Once he sees that things can and will change, he will be much more likely to join you in making more changes, so that you won’t always be flying solo. But sometimes, you have to take those first few steps on your own when he isn’t as invested as you are, and that’s just fine.

Being proactive allows you to feel like you at least have some control over what happens. Because I know first hand that the helpless feeling you have when you know he wants to leave benefits no one. It will make you desperate and it will cloud your judgment. So try not to go there. Instead, go to a place that will allow you to take back some control and make some positive changes.

I’m not asking you to do anything that is not going to benefit you in the long run. I’m not asking you to do anything that you are uncomfortable with. But we can all find places where we can make a change when we’re honest with ourselves.

Hopefully, these small changes will inspire your husband to join you. And when he does, there’s no reason to think that nothing can be done about him not wanting to be married anymore.  I am an example that shows there is always something you can do.  You can read more of my story at

Should I Tell My Husband About the Changes I’ve Made During Our Separation?

By: Leslie Cane: When a wife is separated but doesn’t want to be, she’ll often brainstorm things she can do that might improve things. One very common strategy is to try to make some changes both in herself and in her marriage.  

People often mistakenly think you can’t save your marriage by yourself. And while I’ll concede that your husband will need to be on board eventually, I know firsthand that there is much you can do to improve your marriage completely on your own. And making individual changes falls into this category.

Still, wives often wonder how and when to disclose these changes. After all, if you’re not seeing or talking to your husband all of the time, how will he actually believe that you’ve changed?

A wife might say, “My husband and I are separated. And although he’s acted very resistant to me, and basically told me there’s nothing I can do to change his mind, I’ve made some active changes. I know he doesn’t like my constant ability to worry and focus on the pessimistic side of things. This side of my personality has hurt our marriage. So I’ve been in therapy, and I think I’ve made a great deal of progress. But I’m not sure how and when to bring this up to him. If I just come out and ask him if he’s noticed any difference in me, I’ll sound like I’m fishing for a compliment, and I’m really not. I just want him to be aware that I’m actively trying to improve things. Should I straight up tell him about the changes I’ve made?”

It Comes Off as More Genuine if He Notices on His Own:  

Whether to come out and tell him is a tough question. I too made some significant changes during my own separation. And I always felt it was more effective to let my husband detect the changes on his own. Then, if he asked me about them, I was free to further explain. And this method worked well enough some of the time. But other times, he didn’t specifically notice. Sure, he might have noticed that something was new or better, but he wasn’t sure what that thing was.

Still, I always had the concern that if I had to bring the changes to my husband’s attention, he might find this less genuine. There were a few changes that I only told him about once we reconciled. And there were other changes that he noticed and asked me about. 

Try to Drop Hints Before You Just Come Out With It:

If after a long time, your husband doesn’t notice the changes, you could mention that you’re in therapy and then see if your husband will pick up this thread. If he does, you could then ask him if he notices that you’re less anxious and pessimistic since this is something you’ve been specifically working on.

However, I do think that this is something that he might notice over time without your needing to bring his attention to it. And he might be happier to be the one to discover this.

You have to be careful about claiming too much, as husbands in this situation can be overly sensitive to your making claims because you’re trying to manipulate them. That’s why you mustn’t make any claim that isn’t genuine or complete.

In other words, it may not be completely accurate to say that you’re absolutely no longer anxious and pessimistic. Why? Because a stressful situation will undoubtedly rear its head and you might then display some anxiety, which is perfectly normal. 

That’s why it’s often better (and more accurate) to say that you are working on the anxiety and feel like you’ve made a significant amount of progress.

Allow him to be the one to decide how far you’ve come. That makes any claim feel so much more legitimate and less forced. 

If You’ve Hit Momentum, Keep Going: 

It can be beneficial to make sure you don’t just stop with one change. Often, when you’re separated, many sub-issues lead up to it. You don’t have to address everyone at once. That would be overwhelming and very difficult.

But I found that when I made a few positive changes, I gained momentum, so I kept going. It feels good to take control and to make the changes that were a long time coming.  

Even if your husband doesn’t know about or doesn’t notice all of the changes, YOU notice and YOU know. And sometimes, especially in the beginning, that can be enough.

After all, your goal shouldn’t only be to make changes that are going to make him happy. Your goal should be to make the changes that also make you happy. Most of the time, these types of changes are going to make your life easier and are going to make you feel more at peace in your own skin.

Sure, it matters that he eventually notices and understands the commitment and effort that you are making. But don’t make your own change and improvement contingent on his notice or approval. Do this for you. Do this for your marriage. And trust that as you make legitimate and lasting changes, he will eventually notice and appreciate it.

As I said, I did make some changes. But not all of them were noticed.  They were still worth making, however.  And a few of them made a significant difference in our ability to reconcile.  You can read more at

Will My Husband Miss Me If I Don’t Contact Him?

By: Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from people who have decided to try an alternative strategy in order to save their marriage. Often, their spouse has already shown quite a bit of resistance to any strategy that includes trying to entice or engage him into saving the marriage. In fact, often the other spouse doesn’t seem all that interested in or loving toward the other.

So when it becomes clear that focusing on the feelings or on reaching out to your spouse isn’t going to work, then many people will consider using tough love or the “absence makes the heart grow fonder strategy.” I think that it’s very brave and progressive to consider this strategy from the very beginning. I didn’t turn to what I call the backing off  strategy until it became clear that I had no other choice. My husband was so tired of me continuing to reach out to him when he’d been very clear about the need for time. It got to a point where he was avoiding me and rejecting me so much that I had to cut off contact for a while or face the threat of completely losing him.

Common concerns are comments like: “for months my husband has been telling me that he wants to separate. I begged him to reconsider. I love my husband and ending my marriage is the last thing that I want. I have offered to make some changes in our lives and in our relationship. I’ve offered many concessions. I have suggested counseling. But nothing really seems to work all that well. Because no matter what I say, his response to me is that he wants some space and distance and that he is probably going to want a formal separation because he has his doubts if our marriage is salvageable. After thinking about this for quite some time, I decided that I would rather be proactive and leave him instead of just waiting for him to leave me. I have some friends who will allow me to stay with them for as long as I need to. I’ve decided that I’m going to leave and not contact my husband. I am hoping that this will show him that he has taken me for granted and that he has been unreasonable about our marriage. In short, I am hoping that this will scare him a bit and make him miss me. But some of our mutual friends say that I am taking a big risk. They say that there’s a chance that he will be angry instead. Who is right? Will a spouse miss you if you don’t contact him?”

Backing Off Does Make Sense In Some Circumstances: I can certainly understand this wife’s thought process. Like myself, it had become obvious to her that trying to appeal to her husband’s sense of nostalgia and commitment just wasn’t cutting it. No matter what she did, he was still restless and unhappy. So, after trying to be accommodating with no success, it can be tempting to try a drastic and opposite strategy.

And I do believe that giving your spouse space can work very well. Once I finally accepted this, it improved my situation dramatically. My husband was completely avoiding me. But once I was no longer as accessible, he was suddenly not only receptive, but almost in pursuit.

Be Careful Not To Take It Too Far: With all of this said, I believe that some people take the “backing off” concept a bit too far when they start to talk about having no contact at all. Some spouses might think that just abruptly leaving with little or no explanation is cold or even irresponsible. And instead of a spouse who misses you and suddenly realizes how wonderful you are, you might have a spouse who is furious with you because he’s thinking about how selfish and irresponsible he thinks that you are.

To me, the best way to approach this is to be somewhat upfront but then to back away and give him his space. I didn’t think that it was a bad idea for this wife to go and stay with friends since she had already tried every thing in her power to gain her husband’s cooperation and nothing else was working. But just abruptly leaving with no contact whatsoever (even to let him know she was OK) was probably taking it a bit too far.

I’d suggest perhaps having a conversation or leaving a note to the effect of: “since we don’t seem to be gaining any ground in terms of our marriage and it’s clear to me that you want some space and some time apart, I’m going to give that to you. In order to give you the space to evaluate where you want to go from here, I’m going to back away for a while. I just want for you to know that I’m fine and here if you need me. But I’m going to take some time for myself as well.”

Once you’ve been upfront and honest, then that is the time to back away and do exactly what you have promised – give him some time and space. And I know that this can be the most difficult part. That’s why it can really help if you’re staying with friends and family who can distract you and keep you busy. The last thing that you want to do is to isolate yourself and dwell on waiting to hear from him. Allow your friends and family to care for you and to enjoy being with you. If this gets back to your husband, that’s OK because you’ve told him that you’re going to take this time for yourself anyway.  Sometimes, him knowing that you are coping just fine and that you are getting out with an upbeat attitude is a good thing.

I can’t promise you that this strategy is going to one hundred percent make him miss you, but I can tell you that when it’s carried our correctly, I believe that it has a reasonably high success rate. The key is to be convincing, sincere, and upfront. You really do want to give him the space and you really do want to work on yourself and remain positive. Because all of these things are likely to make you appear more attractive to him. It is human nature to value something more highly when it is not as readily available.

As I alluded to, I used this strategy myself with success.   But, I was always upfront about the fact that I was still committed to my marriage.  If it helps, you can read the whole story on my blog at