My Husband Acts Like He Thinks He’s Too Good For Me. He Seems To Think I’m Not Good Enough.

By: Leslie Cane:  There are few things quite as upsetting as suspecting that your husband thinks that he is better than you or that he “married down.”  It may not have always been this way.  He may have once treated you with the highest respect.  But somewhere along the way, something changed.  And it hurts […]

My Should I Be Encouraged That We’re Getting Back Together If My Separated Spouse And I Are Finally Spending More Time Together.

By: Leslie Cane: Many separated wives assume that, once their husband moves out, they will still be able to spend a good deal of time together. When he pulls back or limits his availability, it can be very disappointing. And the wife may spend a great deal of time (and experience a lot of anxiety) […]

My Separated Husband Says He Still Cares For Me A Lot, But That I’m Smothering Him

By: Leslie Cane:  As a wife who has been very reluctantly separated, I would argue that there is a natural and undeniable inclination to cling tightly to what you are afraid of losing. And when you are a wife who does not want to lose your marriage or your husband, then it’s very natural to […]

When Do You Feel Normalcy When Your Estranged Spouse Comes Back? I Feel Like He’s Going To Leave Again.

By: Leslie Cane:  I think that most separated couples fantasize about a honeymoon period when they finally reconcile.  The hope is that everything is going to be more than fine.  There’s a fantasy that both people will be enthusiastic, willing, and open to just moving on. Ideally, both would be confident that the worst was […]

My Husband Wants To Move Us, So I Want A Divorce

By: Leslie Cane: I often hear from wives who could tolerate or even embrace a certain behavior early in their marriages, but who are now struggling with the same behavior once they have had children or have been married for a while. One such is example is moving for job opportunities or advancement. This can […]

Should I Lay Off Of Facebook For The Sake Of My Marriage?

By: Leslie Cane:  More and more often, I hear from people who cite social media as a reason for their separation, impending divorce, or general troubles in their marriage.  Ten years ago, this was pretty much unheard of.  But today, it’s very common. Frankly, I think that many people are somewhat addicted to social media.  […]

My Husband Takes Me (And Our Marriage) For Granted: He Alway Says He Will Work On Our Marriage But Then He Doesn’t Do A Thing

By: Leslie Cane: It can get very frustrating when you’ve become dissatisfied with your marriage, but are also very unhappy with your spouse’s attempt to resolve it. His complacency can make you feel as if he is taking you (and the marriage) for granted.  You may get up your courage to tell him that this […]

My Husband Didn’t Want To Get Married In The First Place. I Should Have Taken That As A Sign Because He Still Doesn’t Want To Be Married.

By: Leslie Cane: When we are adults and meet the person who we are sure that we are going to marry, many of us sort of set a goal at that point.  We want to control the circumstances so that, eventually, he will want to marry us.  This can be true even if he shows […]