My Husband Says He’s Not Happy And Wants To Leave. He Feels He’d Be Happier Without Me. What Do I Do?

By: Leslie Cane: In some matters, it feels as if it almost pays to be naive or in the dark – at least where your marriage is concerned. Because some knowledge can never be unlearned once you learn it. And when it is something that is very hurtful – like your spouse being unhappy or […]

Why Won’t My Husband Just Tell Me That He Wants A Divorce?

By: Leslie Cane:  Believe it or not, even if many other people know that your spouse is considering a divorce, it tends to come as a bit of a shock to you, at least initially.  Why?  There are several reasons.  First, your spouse rarely lets you in on EXACTLY what he is thinking as it […]

My Husband Says He Likes Solitude But In All Honesty, He’s A Loner Who Avoids Intimacy

By: Leslie Cane: It is not all that unusual for us to marry someone who has personality traits quite different from our own. I honestly think that this is our way of experiencing things vicariously through our spouse. It’s very common for introverts to marry extroverts – knowing that being drawn out of our shell […]

I Don’t Feel Loved By My Husband Anymore. I Feel Ignored And Unimportant. How Do I Tell Him And Explain This So He Will Listen?

By: Leslie Cane: No one wants to look for trouble in their marriage where none exists. I’ve seen perfectly good marriages struggle greatly because one spouse decided to over-analyze and complain about even the smallest, most benign issues. So it can be very important to separate the big issues from the little ones. But there […]

My Husband Will Not Let Me Explain My Actions And Now He Wants To Separate From Me Because Of Them

By: Leslie Cane: It never feels quite fair when your spouse wants to leave you or pursue a marital separation. There is always that feeling that he could have been more patient, more open minded, or more willing to compromise. And it feels particularly unfair when he won’t let you talk in order to explain […]

I Am Completely Traumatized By My Husband Leaving Me

By: Leslie Cane: When your husband leaves, there can be a period where you feel disbelief.  None of us walk down the aisle thinking that one day our marriage is going to be in jeopardy.  None of us envision a day when our husband is going to walk out the door. But when he does, […]

I Feel Like A Stranger In My Marriage. My Spouse Doesn’t Really Know Me. He Doesn’t See My True Self

By: Leslie Cane: I often say that one of the things people most want in a romantic partner is to feel seen and understood.  What I mean by this is that if a person can make us feel as if they see what we are truly about and love us unconditionally anyway, that’s a feeling […]

My Husband Says He Doesn’t Love Me But Won’t File For Divorce Just Yet. This Doesn’t Feel Very Reassuring.

By: Leslie Cane: When your husband gives you the “bad news” that his feelings for you have changed, but offers the “good news” that he isn’t going to divorce you immediately, his words might not offer you the reassurance that he intended. This can feel like a very hollow victory. Sure, you may not end […]

How To Talk To Your Husband To Save Your Marriage: Is There Anything That You Do Or Say To Change His Mind?

By: Leslie Cane: Not only is it very painful when your spouse starts talking about being unhappy in your marriage, but it’s also panic-inducing. We often begin to picture the worst-case scenario almost immediately and some of us have an almost instant need to attempt to change his mind. To demonstrate, I might hear from […]