How Do I Reconnect With My Separated Husband? Steps To Follow When He’s Moving Back Home After A Trial Separation.

By: Leslie Cane: Having your spouse move back in after a trial separation is a goal that most of us are hoping for more than anything else.  That is the day that is marked in red on your calendar.  That is the day that is going to seem like Christmas morning and your birthday all […]

My Husband Is Moody, Distracted, And Distant. Is A Change In Behavior Always Something To Worry About? Because My Spouse Is Acting Weird.

By: Leslie Cane:  A common worry that many wives have is whether or not they should be worried when their husband shows “weird” or “unusual” behavior.  The first inclination of many is to just ask him about this.  Unfortunately, though, many husbands do not give you a completely straight answer.  Many will tell you that […]

Can Marriages Survive Long Separations?

By: Leslie Cane:  I sometimes hear from folks who are reluctant to agree to a long amount time of away from their spouse.  Often, the marriage has been struggling and they are afraid that the time apart is going to be more than the marriage can handle. Regardless, often the spouse who is being asked […]

Apparently I Did Not Give Husband Space When He Asked, So Now He Wants To Move Out. I’ve Totally Messed Up

By: Leslie Cane:  It’s normal to try to diminish the impact and devastation of the situation when your husband asks for space.  After all, this is a very painful request.  No one wants to believe that their husband is trying to limit his contact with them or to distance himself from them. So it’s normal […]

I Don’t Care Enough About My Husband Or My Marriage Anymore. Is This A Phase? What To Consider Before You Think About Leaving.

By: Leslie Cane: I believe that most of us like to think that the deterioration of our marriage would be swift and noticeable. We like to think that it would be an obvious change that we would not only notice, but to which we would quickly react. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Much […]

I Don’t Think That I’m The Most Important Thing In My Husband’s Life.

By: Leslie Cane: When you get married, you have certain expectations. Most of us think (and certainly hope) that we’ve found a life partner who will be there to support and love us through all that life might throw at us. We like to think that we are part of united team – where both […]

What Can You Expect When Your Husband Comes Home After A Trial Or Marital Separation?

By: Leslie Cane: Many people find that the period of time just before their spouse comes home after a martial or trial separation is filled with anticipation and anxiety. The anticipation comes because this is the day that you have been working toward. But there is anxiety because you don’t want for anything to go […]

How Do I Get My Spouse Back After My Own Mid Life Crisis?

By: Leslie Cane:  Most of the time, when I get correspondence about a spouse with a mid life crisis, it comes from the spouse who is watching the process.  The spouse who is NOT having a mid life crisis is usually trying to cope and to keep the marriage intact, while juggling all kinds of […]

A Letter For A Husband Having A Mid Life Crisis When Your Marriage Is In Trouble

By: Leslie Cane:  I get a decent amount of correspondence from wives who have husbands in a mid-life crisis.  The wives are understandably worried and concerned.  Often, the wives are looking for some way to jolt their husbands out of this.  They have often tried to talk to him or debate this, but nothing has […]

What If I’m Happier When My Separated Husband Isn’t Around. What If I’m Happier Without Him?

By: Leslie Cane: Many spouses who pursue a trial separation wonder if living alone and not dealing with their spouse full-time is going to have any effect on their happiness level. Some are hoping that it does. And others are scared of what will happen if they feel better, happier, or more carefree without their […]