My Husband Claims That He Wants To Be With Me, But His Actions Say Otherwise

By: Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from wives who know that their separated husband’s words should be providing them with some reassurance, but they aren’t. And one big reason for this is that the words that he speaks are different from the words that he expresses with his actions. He words might be telling her […]

If My Spouse Is Withholding Affection, Does That Mean He Wants A Divorce?

By: Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from spouses who have noticed something very troubling within their marriage. Unfortunately, it has become obvious to them that their spouse is withholding his love and affection. This can lead to worry that he no longer loves them, is unhappy, and will eventually want a separation or divorce. To […]

My Husband Feels That We Are Not Compatible And Wants To Separate

By: Leslie Cane: I sometimes hear from folks who have been recently dealt a devastating blow. Their spouse has told them that he thinks that they are no longer compatible – if they ever really were. And, because of this, he wants to separate. Sometimes, this isn’t really big news. Both people often know from […]