It Looks Like I’m Getting A Divorce, But I Still Love My Husband

By: Leslie Cane: Many women are faced with the reality that they are participating in a divorce that they don’t want. Usually, things had deteriorated dramatically with their marriage. Eventually, the husband filed for divorce out of anger. The wife can feel as if she has no choice but to go along with it, unless […]

What Should I Do When My Husband Is Hesitant About Reconciling?

by: Leslie Cane: Many people are doing everything within their power in order to get their spouse to reconcile with them or to return back home after a marital separation. Often, their spouses do not openly refuse them. Instead, they are sometimes honest about the fact that they are either hesitant or unsure. This can […]

My Husband Is Reasonably Cordial During Our Separation. But That’s It. He’s Not Loving

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are somewhat disappointed in their husband’s behavior during the separation. It’s not that their husband is or being rude or disrespectful.  He is often being relatively polite.  But his attitude often feels staged and forced. And, it doesn’t feel as if there are any loving feelings behind it. She might […]

My Spouse Is Happy To Only Coexist. But I Want More.

By: Leslie Cane: Most of the time, I hear from spouses whose goal is to save their marriage.  And, they are looking for a strategy that is going to help them make that happen.  But occasionally, I hear from a spouse who is considering leaving the marriage and who is either looking for validation or […]

How Do I Get My Husband To Recommit To Me?

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are well aware that their husband is no longer all that committed or invested in their marriage. Sometimes, this is just an obvious truth that can be made by taking an honest look around. Other times, the husband begins talking about separating or about taking a break. Either way, the […]

I Feel Like My Husband Is Trying To Let Me Down Easy By Separating Before Filing For A Divorce

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are very suspicious of their husband’s claims that he is willing to try a separation before a divorce.  Many worry that he’s not really going to try to improve things or to save their marriage during the separation.  In fact, they feel as if he’s just posturing and using the […]

What To Say (And How To Act) When Your Husband Isn’t Sure That He Loves You

By: Leslie Cane:  Some wives are devastated by a new revelation from their husbands – that he is no longer sure that he loves his wife.  Sometimes, this disclosure comes up during an argument.  Other times, the husband is just being brutally honest.  No matter how this information comes to light, it’s not only very […]

My Separated Husband Never Apologizes. He’s Nasty And Rude To Me. Should I Be Mean To Him Or Demand An Apology In Response?

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are very disappointed in the way that their husband is acting during a trial or marital separation.  Often, the wives had hoped that the time apart would actually improve both people’s behavior.  But, much to their dismay, the opposite has happened. One might say: “things weren’t all that great between […]

How Do I Know If I Should Work Things Out With My Husband?

By: Leslie Cane:  Sometimes, wives are dealing with a husband who is asking them to commit to working things out or to save their marriage.  Often, as much as the wife might like this idea, there is still a lot of doubt as to whether this is the right choice.   The wives often aren’t […]

My Separated Husband Is Trying To Make Me Feel Guilty

By: Leslie Cane: Many separated wives are completely confused by their husband’s behavior.  Often, he is the one who wanted or pushed for the separation.  But now that it has happened, he is doing his best to make the wife feel bad about the situation that he himself wanted and created. One of these wives […]