What Works and What Doesn’t When Trying to Save Your Marriage – How To Prioritize Feelings Over Fixing

By: Leslie Cane: If you’re trying to save your marriage, chances are that you’ve either already tried many strategies – or are considering them. And that’s understandable. Because it often feels like if you do nothing, then you have zero chance of getting any positive results.

When I was facing a divorce, I spent tons of time reading everything that I could, and I got myself scattered chasing various types of advice. 

Unfortunately, very little of it made any difference at all. And I think that much of that stemmed from the fact that much of this advice has you tackling major problems very early on. 

 And I know that I’m not alone. I often speak with people who’ve been told that they need to get down to the nitty-gritty of their marital problems from the jump – that they need to go over their marriage with a fine-tooth comb. And then everyone is surprised when this doesn’t work. Here’s why I think there’s a better way.

Why Going for the Most Troubling Marital Issues Early On May Set You Up For Failure: It’s normal to feel very pressured and hurried when you are facing a divorce. You feel like you need to erase your biggest problems yesterday.  

Many separated wives feel that they only have a limited amount of time, so they’d better get to it as soon as they can, and they then get scattered by new methods that they think could possibly work. 

Unfortunately, many “save your marriage” programs feed on this thought process, and they want you to address the “tough stuff” right away. But, in my opinion, this advice can miss the mark by not addressing debilitating tensions first – at least that was true in my case and in the cases of others I know.

After all, if you and your husband can’t communicate with ease and openness, any delving into your problems is going to be met with defensiveness and resistance, and that sets you up for failure. 

I learned (and now believe) it’s important to reestablish positive feelings and empathy first. Because if you can restore affection and respect, then you and your husband will eventually be ready for long-term change and the work you’ll need to do when your marriage can withstand the scrutiny. (And this method works particularly well if you feel like you’re the only one who cares about saving your marriage.)

Where You Can Get Tripped Up When You Try to Save Your Marriage and Risk Alienating Your Spouse: Sometimes, when you’re following traditional “save your marriage” advice, you’ll be given exercises that encourage you to have difficult discussions with your spouse.

The problem with this is that there is often one spouse who wants to save the marriage while the other wants to leave it. And the spouse who “wants out” will rarely sit there and participate in these “difficult conversations” with patience and willingness. Instead, they’re going to do everything in their power to escape – even if that means avoiding you or not participating willingly or sincerely. 

Not surprisingly, the spouse who wants to save the marriage can feel rejected and defeated, and may just give up well before they need to. But they aren’t really in a hopeless situation – they’re just premature.   I can’t tell you how close I was to giving up several times during my own separation.  Thankfully, I didn’t, and I am still married today.

Why Reestablishing a Positive Relationship on Any Level is Worth Doing Before You Attempt to “Fix” the Hard Issues: It may be obvious to you that you aren’t going to get your husband to be loving, attentive, and invested tomorrow. That isn’t realistic.

But what you might be able to do is establish a somewhat positive, easy rapport over time. And this may feel more like a friendship than a marriage initially. And that is fine. Because your goal is to gradually build upon your easy relationship until it turns into something more. 

You want to cultivate mutual respect, empathy, and a sense of “we.” 

Because if you can do that, you may eventually get to a place where both people are willing to then work through the issues dividing them. That’s when you’ll do the work, but taking the time to reestablish a positive relationship allows “the work” to actually be successful. In my experience, it is never a waste of time. 

The Unexpected Benefits of Focusing on Feelings Rather Than Fixing:  Many people are understandably scared to prioritize feelings over fixing because they don’t feel they have the luxury of time. But, let me try to alleviate your fears by pointing out some of the very positive benefits of placing your focus on feelings.

When you focus on positivity and restoring rapport, you remind your spouse of the vibrant, fun person he first fell in love with. When he begins to look at you a little differently, this can boost your self-esteem and confidence to keep going, which you sometimes desperately need.

And by making sure you are somewhat connected again, you’re actually making the job ahead much easier, and shorter. Think about it. How receptive was your husband when you first dated? Likely very. Because he was more than willing to focus on the positive rather than the negative. He wanted to focus on the feelings. If you can get to this place again, your work is so much easier.  

Know When Your Marriage Is Too Fragile: While I understand why some think you need to tackle your difficult problems right away, I have come to believe that many marriages are just too fragile to withstand this. So although you may have the best intentions, you may actually be burying your marriage before it even has a chance.

In my experience, you are much better off waiting until you are in a better place, even if that means taking a brief break. Because you may eventually be rewarded with a husband who is invested and receptive again. And that makes your chances of success much greater. 

I know that my asking you to delay “the work” may feel scary and uncertain. And truly, if your marriage can withstand it, go for it. 

But if you’ve already tried picking apart your problems and have been met with resistance or avoidance, you might already see or sense that it either doesn’t work or it presents a risk. Why not wait just a little while until you can get your marriage back to the point where it can withstand working through the “tough stuff?”

By restoring the positivity between you, the relationship follows a logical progression where you only move forward when you have the necessary cooperation. 

As I’ve alluded to, I had to back up several times during my own separation and just wait for better opportunities.  I didn’t enjoy that at the time and got quite discouraged.  But it is part of the reason I am still married today.  My marriage could not have withstood the scrutiny and I needed to reestablish the feelings with my husband first.  You can read more at https://isavedmymarriage.com


The Things that Make a Husband Fall Out of Love With His Wife and Want a Separation or Divorce

By: Leslie Cane: Many husbands lament that they’ve “fallen out of love” with their wife. Many times, this lack of love leads to a husband who wants a separation or divorce. Often, the wives affected by this are looking for a way to get their husband to love them again. The answer to this concern lies in understanding why people fall in and out of love. Because, if we can understand this, the next action becomes a little more clear. I will discuss this more in the following article.

Narrowing Down Why Husbands Really Fall Out Of Love: If you were to ask the husband who “wants out” of their marriage why their feelings have changed, 9 times out of 10, you would likely get vague answers that don’t really get to the heart of the matter.

You’ll often hear things like: “We’re just different people now.”

Or “We don’t have much in common anymore.”

Another example is: “We’ve grown apart.”

And then there’s the “I’m just not attracted to my wife anymore and don’t feel the same way.”

And while the husband who is no longer experiencing loving feelings may well be telling the truth as they know it, what they are describing is often the symptoms and not the cause.

Sure, the thing that changed their feelings DOES make them feel as though they’ve grown apart from or not as close to or attracted to their wife. But, very few people understand the true cause of why they feel the way that they do. It’s not easy to look at this objectively when you are right smack in the middle of it.

I hear from people from all walks of life on both sides of this equation. I believe that for the most part people are honest with me because they don’t have any reason not to be. And, from all that I have heard from all sides, if I had to sum up while people fall out of love in one word – that word would be neglect.

The Changes That You Must Navigate to Get the Love Back: Before you think that the idea of neglect sounds too simplistic, hear me out. Often, it’s not really the people who have changed. Almost always, the circumstances DO change.

People have households to care for. Children come along. Financial obligations pop up. There is less time to give to the relationship without something else having to give. And yet, almost all married couples have the same types of general obligations and some make it work while others struggle.

From my observation, the major difference between the two is the amount of effort put into it combined with an understanding of what efforts provide the biggest and most needed payoff. This leads me to my next point.

Understanding What Husbands Really Want To Feel While Being “In Love”: Think back to when you were falling in love with your spouse. There was excitement that came with things being shiny and new and the anticipation of seeing how things were going to unfold. This likely had you holding your breath with all of the hopeful possibilities. And let’s face it, in the early stages of your relationship, everyone is on their very best behavior.

You might never see your spouse more charming, attentive, and romantic than they are in the early stages. There is no doubt about it that this type of attention and give-and-take feels good. The pay off is constant and makes you want to give back. So the cycle is a very positive and exciting one.

But, when real life comes calling, it’s a bit unrealistic to think that you can keep this up forever. And, inevitably, life begins to get in the way. This doesn’t mean that you don’t love your spouse or that you’re slacking. It just means that you are having a normal reaction to normal issues.

But, over time, this shift can really affect your marriage or your relationship. Whether they can put their finger on it or not, your husband (and you) can begin to feel differently.

But I can tell you that almost no one connects the dots between the priority and time shift with the changing feelings. They will think their spouse has changed or the feelings have fled without realizing that the equation really is that the effort put in is directly proportional to the feelings that come out.

Ways To Make a Husband Fall In Love With You Again: One of the most common questions that I’m asked is how to make your husband, boyfriend, loved one, etc. fall back in love with you. Although I often think that the whole idea of “falling out of love” is a bit inaccurate, I can tell you some ways to bring back loving feelings.

First, it’s so important to understand what people truly want. And, a good way to do this is to understand what you want. Because these desires are almost universal as they really are human nature. Everyone wants to feel desired. Everyone wants to feel special and unique. And, we all want to know that know that we’re really and truly seen.

Making a person feel this way is an investment in time and effort. That’s why the longer a relationship lasts, the greater the risk becomes of taking your loved one for granted and seeing these feelings slip right through your fingers. But, just understanding this concept is the first step. I often tell people to give their spouse the thing that they most want and watch as it comes back to them.

In other words, if you feel your loved one isn’t affectionate, then show them affection and see what happens. It might feel weird and vulnerable at first. If the closeness and intimacy aren’t there, you may have to feel your way for a little while.

But, a little effort over time can make a big impact. Many times, if you ask the husband who wants the separation or divorce a few open-ended questions, you’ll find that, deep down, they felt unappreciated or misunderstood. To keep this from happening (or to fix it when it does) it’s vital that you make your loved one feel prioritized, understood, and confident that you “get” them and know what is most important.

People often think being in love is all about the chemistry and the spark. And while this may be accurate in the beginning, I don’t buy it for the long term. I’ve seen too many marriages and relationships saved by re-prioritizing and understanding what people really need – including my own.

I absolutely understand where you are right now. A couple of years ago, my husband flat-out told me he had fallen out of love with me. But, eventually, it dawned on me that the tactics I was using to get him to love me again were not working. Luckily, I was able to change course and return the intimacy and affection. You can read more on my blog at https://isavedmymarriage.com/.

Why Does My Separated Husband All But Refuse to Communicate With Me? Here are Some Possible Reasons

By: Leslie Cane: Many separated wives are very focused on communication. Many of them realize that they’ll need to eventually improve their communication to save their marriages. So they may reach out often or aggressively try to talk to or text their spouse. Unfortunately, they’re often rebuffed, and they do not understand why.

One of these wives might say: “My separated husband is keeping me at arm’s length, and I honestly don’t get it. Granted, he wanted to separate, but he’s basically rejecting me. He promised me that we’d be in touch. He also said if we could heal, we could eventually reconcile. There were no explosive issues or fights that caused our separation. We just grew apart. It’s not as if we hate one another or that he’s angry with me. But every time I reach out to him, he puts me off. At times, he almost seems rude, as if he thinks I’m out of line to want to talk to my own husband. I’ve asked if I’ve done something to annoy him, and he says I haven’t. But he still won’t talk to me or give me any information. I just don’t get it. I’ve done everything he’s asked of me, but he just won’t communicate. Why?”

I understand how confusing and painful this is. But I’d offer a warning. When my own separated husband wouldn’t communicate with me, I tried to push it. I doubled my efforts. I became an unrestrained pest. Of course, I only made it worse. And he was willing to communicate even less than before.

I believe that it’s easier to act methodically and effectively if you understand WHY he might not be communicating with you right now. It’s important to understand that sometimes the reasons have more to do with him than with you. Sometimes, the reasons are situational. And sometimes, they are emotional or psychological – which means that it’s possible he will work through them, and things will change.

Always keep in mind that change and progress are possible without your needing to make huge gestures that might make things worse.

Here’s a look at some possibilities:

A Distancing Due to an Attempt at Emotional Protection: When we are separated, we tend to focus on our own pain. We assume that we are the one who is hurting the most. And, because we can’t see our spouse, we assume that he’s doing just fine.

This isn’t always the case, though. He’s often hurt and struggling, just like we are. But he doesn’t necessarily want to show that – so he’ll back away a bit as he’s trying to work through things. 

He Doesn’t Know What He Feels or Wants and Therefore Doesn’t Know How to Communicate the Same: It would be wonderful if your husband could interpret and understand his feelings and then share the same with you.

But this is so rare. People’s self-awareness is at an all-time low during difficult times like separations. Think about it. That’s why marriage counselors have waiting lists.  

Still, your husband likely knows that you’re going to inquire about how he’s feeling or which way he’s leaning.

He may not have those answers and therefore, doesn’t know how he can possibly communicate right now. So it’s just easier to avoid you so that he doesn’t have to struggle to explain himself. 

After some time has passed, he may get a little more insight and therefore, may be able to offer you more communication. 

He’s Trying To Avoid Uncomfortable Conversations: Many people who separate want some time alone before they get together with their spouse and try to have difficult conversations. Having these types of conversations too soon can be awkward and painful, so your husband may be trying to avoid this.

He may want to allow things to calm down or for you both to get used to your new normal before you attempt potentially heavy conversations.

So he may perceive that it’s easier to delay this process than to struggle through it in the beginning.

He May Be Trying to Posture or Assert Some Control: People can feel as if their life is not their own when separated. This is a time when someone else’s decisions and behaviors can affect or change your marital status – and therefore, your life.

So by refusing to communicate – at least initially -, he may be trying to recover a sense of control. 

Or he may be posturing somewhat to lower your expectations at the beginning of the separation since he’s not yet sure how he wants this to go. 

He May Think He’s Prioritizing Himself: Many people who become separated vow to focus on themselves and to be selfish for a little while. So they try to protect themselves from demands on their time and emotions.

He may think that this is what he is doing by limiting communication right now. He may be planning to communicate at a later time, once he has taken what he feels is enough time to concentrate on himself. 

How to Best Handle This: As I hinted at above, resist the urge to demand more from him when he is already hesitant. Resist the urge to grill him about why he is acting this way. Have some patience and accept conversations about things that may seem trivial and petty right now – but are pleasant enough.

You want to show him that you don’t need to have heavy, unpleasant conversations right now. It’s enough to just talk as regularly as possible. You want to try to leave every conversation on a positive note so he won’t be as reluctant to do it again.

Keep topics light so that there isn’t discomfort initially. You can work up to the important but difficult conversations later, but you don’t need to do that initially. Ease into it until he is more willing.

Just take what you can get right now and try to remain playful and pleasant so that he is more likely to want to willingly talk to you. If you’re able to do that, you can build on your progress, so that eventually, he is more than willing to communicate with you. 

I know that this is asking a lot.  But slowing down with my demands and taking what my husband offered me really changed the dynamic of my separation and was the start of a shift that allowed us to reconcile.  You can read the entire story at https://isavedmymarriage.com

Tips for Making Your Husband Love You Again When You’re Facing a Separation or Divorce 

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives intuitively know when they are facing separation or divorce. They can deeply sense that their husband is no longer happy, invested, or participating in the marriage. Many of them are desperately looking for ways to restore intimacy, closeness, and affection, but they wonder if any of these goals are possible. 

One of the wives might say, ” I’m not stupid. I know that my husband has fallen out of love with me. I can see it in the way that he looks at me and in the way that he no longer makes me the most important thing in his life. He tolerates me. He lives around me. But his face doesn’t light up when he sees me anymore. He doesn’t include me in important decisions. He doesn’t share his goals or fears with me anymore. Honestly, he rarely tells me about his day. It’s like I just live on the periphery of his life. I strongly suspect that he is going to ask me for a separation soon. We haven’t even eaten dinner together in the last couple of months, and it’s been a long time since we’ve even had sex. He doesn’t even try. It is like he is numb toward me. I miss his loving gestures and his attention. Is there any way I can make him love me like he used to again?”

I believe that you can, because I have done it – although it was quick or easy. Below, I’ll provide tips on how to encourage genuine loving feelings when it feels like your marriage is falling apart. I hope they help.

Examine What You Have Access to – Your Own Actions:  I know that it may be difficult to take a hard look at yourself because that feels like assigning blame, and no one person is to blame when a marriage goes south.

But your own behaviors and actions are things that you both have access to and can change. Not only that but making necessary changes can directly affect (and improve) the outcome of your marriage. And it will show your husband that you are serious about real change.

Try to determine if you are participating in some common behaviors that happen to marriages in trouble. From my own experience and research, I know that wives in this situation often resort to reactionary behavior as either a way to protect themselves or to try to make things better. 

Here is one example: One way that some wives react when they feel their marriage slipping away is that they, themselves pull away because they are hurt. They retreat into their own worlds because they suspect that is what their husband wants them to do. 

He isn’t engaging with them, so why even try? Plus, this self-imposed isolation feels more comfortable when you are constantly being rejected.

However, as a result of this pulling away, neither party is getting much GENUINE affection or attention because the wives themselves have retreated as a defense mechanism to keep from becoming more hurt than they already are. 

To rebuild intimacy, both partners must be willing to be vulnerable and participate fully. You have to “let down the walls” so to speak so that he can come in when things improve.

The second way that I see people react is that they may overcompensate for the distance by becoming clingy, overbearing, or insincere. 

They may put on a “fake” show and shower their husband with overdone affection and attention in an attempt to right the ship.

Unfortunately, this approach can cause your husband to feel suffocated and manipulated, and as a result, he may tune you out, withdraw, or shut down – which only leads to further disconnection.  

Keep in mind that your husband knows you very well and will know when you are putting on a show for his benefit.

Yes, I realize that these are both opposite sides of the same coin, but it’s very common for wives in this situation to swing to extremes – they’re either too clingy or not affectionate because they just aren’t sure how to act. 

Show Him How to Give What You Need: To lure your husband into loving you again, lead by example. 

Consider what you want from him and ask yourself if you’re providing the same in return. If you want more affection or appreciation, show him genuine gestures of love and gratitude. Remember that you’re encouraging your husband how to treat you through your own actions.

When I was in this situation, I tried to ask myself when was the last time I laughed with my husband? When was the last time I approached him in ways that would lift his spirits, lighten his load, or make him feel loved? The truth was I didn’t because I was afraid of yet more rejection.  

And so things just continued to deteriorate and become worse and worse. 

Take an Honest Look at the Personality of Your Marriage: This may sound silly, but a good therapist once encouraged me to think about the “personality” and “culture” of my marriage. 

She asked if I would describe my marriage as cold and distant or light-hearted and loving. Of course, at the time, it was the first option. But she encouraged me to understand that if I could make it loving and playful again, we might actually stand a chance. 

My marriage at its worst point looked very different than my marriage in its early stages. And I needed to work towards restoring the fun, loving, and affectionate qualities that were present when we were first dating 

I figured that if I could do this, I’d remind my husband about what he loved about me in the first place, which might slowly, gradually, bring about a shift. (And that strategy eventually worked.)

Because if I was being honest, the scared, scattered, and dull woman I saw in the mirror every morning was a far cry from the vibrant, funny, and engaged woman my husband dated. I knew I had to get her back to stand even the slightest chance. 

I absolutely understand where you are right now. But with a bit of skill and luck, you can change the trajectory. I was able to shift the downward momentum of my marriage, end the separation, and return the intimacy and affection. You can read more on my blog at https://isavedmymarriage.com/

Tips for When You Feel Like You’re Marital Separation is Going All Wrong

By: Leslie Cane: I wish I could tell you that most people have a seamless marital separation where they begin communicating more effectively and conclude that they want to stay together after all. I wish that were true. But it isn’t. Instead, many people have messy separations. They have the kind of separation where they’re filled with doubt and fear. They have the kind of separation where it feels as if things are getting worse and not better.

Someone might explain: “I honestly did everything in my power to avoid a separation because I knew it was going to implode on me. I knew that things were likely to go wrong, and I was right. My husband and I misunderstand one another more than ever. I have no idea what is going on with him because he avoids me. I’m afraid that he’s found someone else, although he refuses to talk about that. He makes assumptions about me that just aren’t true, but when I try to clarify, he is resistant. I feel we’re further apart than we’ve ever been. What can you do when it feels like every single thing in your separation has gone wrong?”

Don’t get irrevocably discouraged. I know firsthand that things can change. My separation looked completely hopeless, and yet I am married today. I can’t claim that I did everything right. In fact, I did most things wrong – at least in the beginning. But I did right some of my mistakes within enough time to change the tide somewhat. Here are some things that I believe can be helpful:

Be Very Careful With Communication: One of the biggest mistakes I see is that people become more emotional and less rational about their communication. When this happens, communication can become less frequent at a time when you need regular communication. 

The goal is truly for communication to go well enough that it will happen again and again and build on itself until it improves the relationship. This can be a slow and gradual process. But if you approach communication in the wrong way, you can stop it in its tracks – which you cannot afford.

You are better off accepting small talk if that is all you can do successfully and then building from there. If you’re not having success with deep topics or deep talks about your relationship, back off for a bit and build back up. 

Honestly Examine What Went Wrong and How You Can Start to Right the Ship Alone: I’m not naive enough to think that anyone can solve all of their marital problems alone, but I know from my own experience that you can address the mistakes that you made alone. You can address any personal issues that contributed to the breakdown of your marriage alone.

You can examine where things are going wrong during the separation, and you can – at least on your end – stop participating in any behaviors that are tearing your marriage down rather than building it up.

In other words, you can work on your side of things to make the circumstances as positive as you can. Because if your husband sees positive changes coming from you, he may hop on board.

Stop Yourself When You Feel It Going Off the Rails: It took me way too long to learn that I absolutely should not double down when things began to go wrong.

If my husband and I disagreed during my separation, I would try to explain myself more forcefully or repeat the same old things. Not only did this not endear me to my spouse, he stopped listening because he knew he’d hear the same old refrain.

Eventually, I learned that when things went spectacularly wrong, I was better off just agreeing to disagree until we could come at it in another way later. Often, it’s much better to delay than to intensify.

Find an Outlet for Your Emotions: Along those same lines, if you feel unstable, are having trouble coping, or feel like you’re getting out of control, find a way to let out your frustrations or emotions.

You can do this via exercise, journaling, hobbies, spending time with others, taking a class, or seeking therapy. There are so many things that you can do rather than engage in negative feelings and behaviors. I know that it is a challenge. I know that you have to redirect yourself. But you will be doing yourself a huge favor if you find a way to take your negative energy and turn it into something healing and positive.

You’re sort of waiting during your separation and have more time on your hands anyway, so why not use that for good? Why not use that to make things better so that when you and your husband do reconcile, you are a better version of yourself? 

Have Patience and Read His Cues: This might be the hardest thing that I’m asking you to do. But sometimes, you have to accept that reconciliation may not come in the timeline you wanted. It certainly didn’t for me. And I had to learn to distract myself so that I wouldn’t push. Because when I pushed, I only added additional time because my husband became even more frustrated with me.

Another thing that will help is to read your husband’s cues. If he is not receptive to your line of communication, then notice that and then stop and go another route. Learn not to make things worse. Learn to wait, regroup, and try again.  

But don’t dig yourself even deeper as your husband becomes more and more frustrated with you and with the situation. 

I know that everything I said is easier said than done.  I struggled with it, too.  But once I eventually had the self-discipline not to rush into the same old mistakes and behaviors, everything changed. You can read the whole story at https://isavedmymarriage.com

Would Some Time Apart or a Separation Make Him Love Me Again? What is the Best Way to Do This?

By: Leslie Cane: Many wives are looking for any successful way to save their marriage or make their husband love them again. Many have tried counseling, talking things out, or spicing things up. But seemingly, very little of these things have worked well enough. So, many wives explore the idea of a separation or at least some time apart in the hopes that absence will make the heart grow fonder. In other words, they hope that if their husband is away from them, he realize how much he misses them and how good he really had it.

Common comments are things like: “I have tried everything to get my husband to love me again and save the marriage. Nothing has worked. I’m pretty desperate at this point and am considering a separation as a last ditch effort. Is a separation a valid way to save the marriage or to make him love me again? Does absence really make the heart grow fonder?”

In my opinion, this tactic can work. I have seen it work and I have experienced it when it finally did work for me. But, I also think that there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it, which I will discuss more in the following article.

If You’re Going To Try A Separation To Try and Bring His Love Back, Make Sure You Present Yourself In The Right Way During It: Here’s one of the biggest mistakes that I see wives make. They gather their courage to give, suggest, or accept a separation and then they second guess themselves or they let fear take over. So, they have a tendency to cling, call too much, hold on very tightly and basically just not let the time and space do its job.

There is a very delicate balance between showing yourself in a way that will peak his interest and coming on too strong and being so present that there’s not any room for separation at all. I know that being separated from your husband, even for just a little while, can feel extremely scary and odd. There’s a real tendency to want to have constant contact so you can gauge what he’s doing or how he’s feeling. But, sometimes it’s best to use a bit of restraint.

Show Him Who He Really Needs to See: When you do see or speak to him, you want to make sure that you’re being very deliberate about who and what you allow him to see. You don’t want to present yourself as someone who is frightened he will find better or that you can’t live without him. You want him to know that although you love him and feel the separation is a last resort, you care enough about yourself to conduct yourself with self respect.

And, you want to remember what has always attracted him to you. Because honestly, when things go badly, it’s so easy to abandon this woman who could turn this around. People tend to focus on and cling to the negative emotions and fears when they should be doing the opposite. I completely understand that it be nearly impossible to put on a happy face when your heart is broken. No one would believe this is possible anyway. But, to the extent you can, try to put one foot in front of the other and show him who you know he’s been waiting for this entire time.

If you know he loves your sense of humor but they two of you haven’t laughed in months, then you’ll want to find a natural place where you can make sure this happens. Your real goal here is to change his perceptions so that he begins to think that things really can change enough that he’s willing to be open to the idea of true reconciliation.

Try To Establish Some Understanding As To How The Separation Is Actually Going To Work: Another omission that I see in this situation is that people sort of take a “wait and see” approach. They don’t check in with one another or establish at least some boundaries and so people tend to think the worst and resentment and fear begin to take over.

People commonly worry that the other spouse is seeing other people or is blissfully happy alone with his freedom when they may not even be the case. Although sometimes husbands are resistant to defining exactly how the separation or time apart is going to work, you can usually set up at least some general guidelines. You can suggest checking in once a week or more if he’s receptive to it. This can be via a phone call or a meeting (which is nice if you have children.)

Be Mindful of the Tone of Any Interactions: Whenever these check ins happen (and they may not always be elaborate or extensive) it’s important to keep them as light hearted as you can. You don’t want to make things so heavy that he wants to avoid you. You don’t want to press about any decisions that he has or has not made. The whole goal is really to very gradually improve how you are communicating and getting along. Because if you can do this, you can build on each improvement until you’re both feeling loving toward each other and the marriage once again.  Once that happens, you can move toward reconciliation.

I wish I had known these things in my own life. Our trial separation went very badly until I figured out that my actions were pushing my husband further away. Fortunately, I was able to change course and place my focus on the right things so I could eventually save the marriage. You can read that story on my blog at http://isavedmymarriage.com/.


Why Do Men Having a Midlife Crisis Blame Their Marriage for Their Unhappiness?

By: Leslie Cane: I wish I could say that midlife crises were rare occurrences, but they aren’t. Studies show that as many as 20% of adults will have this sort of crisis in their lives. It would be bad enough if the crisis only affected the person having it, but this isn’t the case. The crisis will often affect spouses, children, and marriages. In short, it may damage all of the people around the person having it.

Not surprisingly, many wives with husbands going through a crisis feel unfairly singled out because the husband will begin to blame the marriage or the wife for all of the unhappiness that he may be experiencing.

Suddenly, he’s not sure if he wants to be married anymore because he thinks that the relationship no longer serves him. Needless to say, this can be incredibly confusing to a wife who has supported and loved this man for many years of their lives.

She might say, “My husband is very obviously having a midlife crisis. He is suddenly tired of many of his friends, family, and me. He has decided that he needs to reevaluate every area of his life. He just left a job and a career that he’s had for many years – even if that means taking a substantial pay cut. He’s dropped many close friends that he has known since childhood. And now he is telling me that he isn’t sure that he wants to be married to me anymore. “

“This really upsets and angers me because I know that I’m not really the problem. He’s ignoring the health scares he’s had over the year which probably made him think about his mortality. He refuses to think about the fact that he changed careers because he was scared he would be fired. In other words, he’s had many issues and problems over the last year that could obviously be the source of his unhappiness. But he’s choosing to blame his relationships (and me) instead. Why do men do this? Why is our marriage being solely blamed for his crippling unhappiness? It’s so unfair.”

I agree with you that it’s not only unfair, but it’s also not at all accurate in most cases. I’ll offer some suggestions on how to deal with this, but first, I want to list some reasons that he may be blaming your marriage, as follows:

You’re the Easiest Target: Everyone who is a parent knows that when a child is having a meltdown or a teenager is deeply unhappy, mom or dad is going to get the brunt of it. The parents are going to be portrayed as “mean” or “clueless” because they are the person who is closest to the struggling child, and they are the ones who are going to be the most hurt by the accusations. The parent is also the person most likely to give the child the desired response.

The same is true of a spouse having a midlife crisis. Frankly, a midlife crisis is painful, even if the person having it doesn’t fully realize they are in pain. So they’ll often lash out at the person who they know will be their easiest target and who will give them the most dramatic response – you. 

The plus side to this is that his choosing you for his most painful actions means he’s subconsciously aware that you’re the one he’s closest to in his life. That means something. 

He May Suddenly Feel That A Long-Term Reliance on The Same Relationship Takes His Autonomy and Power Away: Sometimes men having a midlife crisis fear being “whipped” or they worry that they’ve been harmed in some way by staying in the relationship for so long. Is there something they’ve missed out on by being married? Could they become a better version of themselves if they decided to go it alone? 

For whatever reason, they’ve decided that they can improve their lives by evaluating and then changing what no longer works for them. And they can sometimes mistakenly suspect that their marriage has been one of these things all along.

They May Convince Themselves that They’ve Outgrown the Relationship, Have Become Bored With It, Or Deserve Better: I am in no way saying that any of these things are true. But husbands who are tempted to discard their wives or their marriages due to midlife crisis will often convince themselves that the problem is totally with the marriage – it’s grown stale, the spark is gone, or it no longer serves either spouse.

Much of the time, he can’t evaluate his relationships properly. He lacks objectivity because of the crisis itself. Therefore, his destructive thoughts continue to cycle and strengthen his resolve. 

How to Handle This: I completely understand why a wife would want to tell her husband that he’s not himself and is acting irrationally. Because frankly, he often is. 

However, it helps for you to counter his irrationality with your own rational thinking. He isn’t likely to listen to reason right now, because he is being influenced by the uncertainty in his life more than anything else. 

If you tell him he’s wrong, or acting irrationally, or even having a midlife crisis, he will use this as confirmation of his negative feelings toward you and the marriage. The strategy of trying to talk some sense into him often backfires.

Instead, try your best to remain calm and try to see him as someone who is injured and therefore blowing up his life. You can’t necessarily stop him from the things that he is doing, but you can tell him that you still care about him and will be there to listen and support him anytime he wishes. 

Try to move slowly and not make rash decisions because frankly, sometimes in time, the midlife crisis will burn itself out, and he will realize that he’s wrong and has been acting irrationally, and you won’t have to do or say anything. 

And because you’ve portrayed yourself as someone who tried to be supportive, you’ll be in a much better position than the wife who told him he was acting like a stupid old fool.

I know wives are reading this who worry that he’ll never grow out of the midlife crisis. And I can’t tell you that’s impossible. But many men do ease out of this phase eventually, and you don’t want to make an enemy of him in the meantime. 

Before my own husband came out of his thinking, I panicked and did things that only made the situation worse.  Therefore, I had a much bigger mess to clean up.  I eventually began to understand how to approach things calmly instead of without panic. And I learned how to approach my husband as a partner rather than an adversary.  This changed everything and allowed us to eventually reconcile.  You can read that whole story at https://isavedmymarriage.com

Fixing A Loveless Marriage: Is It Possible? How Can You Do It?

By: Leslie Cane: Many people wonder about loveless, broken marriages. They want to know to survive them, how to be happy in them, or how to live in harmony within one, especially for the sake of children. Very interestingly, there aren’t quite as many requests for advice on how to fix them. It seems that couples living in a loveless marriage don’t think that it can ever change or really improve.

This is frustrating because I’ve seen countless so-called “loveless” or “broken” marriages turn around quite dramatically. And living in a home filled with love and affection truly is, at least in my opinion, the gold standard for all involved. So, in the following article, I’m going to tell you how I think it’s possible to fix or repair a loveless marriage.

The First Step In Repairing A Broken Marriage Is Not Allowing Definitions To Limit Your Beliefs: Here’s a common denominator that I often find in this situation. People’s perceptions and definitions can very much affect the outcome. And once you start referring to your marriage as “loveless,” you truly do limit your emotions, your perceptions, your expectations, and possibly the health of your marriage.

I certainly don’t doubt that your marriage is struggling, could well be non fulfilling, and could feel quite devoid of love. Many people in this situation say that they’re only going through the motions, living like roommates – never even acknowledging each other, or often only communicate in a negative way. I understand that it’s hard not to place labels on a situation like this. But please try to keep an open mind moving forward. This can make all the difference.

Determining Why Your Marriage No Longer Feels Loving: The next step would be pinpointing why you’re experiencing your marriage as you are. Why does it feel “loveless” to you? What is turning you (or your spouse) off the most? And, how long has it been this way? Because one thing that I almost always find is that very few marriages have been “loveless” from the very beginning.

No, typically something somewhere along the line changed. And sometimes, people will claim that it’s their spouse who has changed. I often hear comments like: “My husband has completely changed. He’s not the man I married. He’s lazy and sarcastic and I don’t even like him anymore, much less love him.” From husbands I hear things like: “My wife used to be so caring and so much fun. She used to listen to me and laugh with me. But now, she just looks at me as though I’ve disappointed her. She looks right through me and then nags.”

These perceptions can cloud and choke out the good things within your marriage and feed on themselves. And, when the perceptions change, unfortunately priorities and attention changes also. The final change is the feelings.

So, maybe you did go out and do fun things together regularly in the beginning of your marriage, but you doubt very much that this is possible now. Or, your spouse used to go out of their way to show and tell you how much they loved and appreciated you, but they rarely give you a second glance lately.

Why “Neglected” is a Better Description for a Broken Marriage: All of these changes are what contribute to your changing feelings and the way that you see and define your marriage. I often tell people that I think “neglected” is a better adjective for this kind of marriage than “loveless.”

And it’s not always the marriage that the spouses neglect. Yes, they neglect each other. But, they often neglect themselves also. Their happiness level goes way down and they sort of shut down and begin stumbling through every day and going through the motions without even thinking.

Shaking Up A Loveless Marriage To Repair The Damage And Get The Loving Feelings Back: If you continue on the way that you are, it’s likely a fair assumption that the way you feel won’t change either. And very often, when a marriage has become “loveless,” one of the reasons for this is that you’ve gotten into destructive habits. You must break these. And, that can be difficult when you’ve established negative marital norms that at least feel predictable.

But someone has to be that brave person who is going to stand up and shake things up a bit. Yes, this can make you feel exposed and vulnerable. But it’s sometimes worth it in the end. Ask your spouse on a date. Compliment them. Ask them open ended questions and really listen. Pinpoint what bothers you the most and have the courage to change it in a kind and loving way.

I know that some people think I’m nuts when I offer these suggestions. But I’ve seen marriages long left for dead produce people who are giggling like teenagers after pouring very deliberate attention onto their spouse and their marriage again. If your spouse isn’t giving you what you need to feel loved and loving, then ask yourself if you’re doing the same for them and then do it if you’re not.

All of us want the same things. We want to feel adored, understood and desired. If you make your spouse feel this way, they will likely eventually return the effort and you may well find yourself in a brand new marriage.

It’s very much my opinion and experience that it’s much easier to “fix” a seemingly loveless marriage than it is to start over when you may have already found your soulmate but no longer recognize or appreciate them due to your own perceptions and labels.

It was my husband, not me, who felt that our marriage was “loveless,” so he threatened to end it. (And I wasn’t always thrilled with it either.) I knew that it wasn’t over for me and I refused to give up. But, for a long time what I did was not working.  Thankfully, I realized my mistake and changed course. This shift changed my marriage. You can read that story on my blog at https://isavedmymarriage.com/.

What it Really Means When a Husband Says He’s “Trying” To Love His Wife

By: Leslie Cane: The other day, I received an email from a friend who wrote: “my husband told me that he’s not in love with me anymore.  He didn’t say it in a mean or spiteful way.  He was just being honest.  He said that he’s ‘trying’ to hang in there and regain the spark, but I just don’t know what to do about this. How am I suppose to process the fact that my husband doesn’t love me anymore and has to ‘try’ to stay with me?  I feel like something that is undesirable and tarnished, like an out of date tool that he no longer has any use for, but which he’s just going to keep around because he feels that he should or because he has some sentimental value or loyalty (but no love) toward it.”

Putting The Husband’s “Trying To Love” His Wife In Perspective:  First off, I cautioned the wife not to focus on the semantics too much.  Sometimes, we obsess over the words and phrasing that someone uses without realizing that that person probably didn’t give the words much thought when they said them.

These were the words that came out at the time, but that doesn’t mean that you need to analyze every syllable or stake your marriage on his choice of words.

It’s important to use this for what it is – a wake up call and a second chance.  So many wives have husbands who have proclaimed that they no longer love them and / or have filed divorce papers.  These wives were blindsided and have less of a chance to change things before a divorce is final.

So, as much as it may feel like you’re in an awful situation right now, know that it could be worse.  By being honest with you, your husband has shown that he’s still communicating and is still open to the idea that the love can be restored.

What No Longer Loving You Probably Really Means:  Men are not good at evaluating and then communicating their feelings.  Often they think they are “no longer in love with you,” when in fact they’re no longer enamored with their life or with how the relationship is going right now.  They’re remembering what was and contrasting that with what currently is and they’re feeling disappointed and let down.

Yes, this isn’t altogether fair.  Day to day stressors are realities of life and it’s likely that both of you are juggling twice as much as you did when you were falling in love.  And men very often know this intellectually, but they are still let down emotionally.

So as hard as it is, don’t take this business personally.  Because I’d be willing to bet that if you could alleviate some of the stress, take the time to find the environment conducive to bonding and sharing, and focus on what brings you together rather than what drives you apart, things would begin to look (and feel) a whole lot different.

Reality Today Compared To What It Used To Be: Hopefully, I’ve given you something to think about. It may be the bond that’s been lost rather than the love that has been lost. Husbands will often perceive it this way, but they are very often wrong.  What has really happened is that the bond and intimacy have changed, not the love.

So, how can you use this knowledge to your advantage? Well, you can start by calming down and realizing that you just need to change up the perception and the bond.  This is usually a gradual process that can’t be rushed.  But, with repetitive and careful effort, eventually you will see things begin to change.

Think back to what really drove your relationship when you first fell in love.  Many people will mention “sex” when I being up this consideration.  But, I would argue that it was not so much sex as the excitement and the intimacy that you felt. You felt desired, loved, understood, valued, and unique.

The key word here, is, believe it or not, unique.  People in love feel like they’ve finally found the other part to their whole.  They feel that they’ve finally found the person that completes them – the role that no one else could fill.  But, this is often the result of the time and attention that you devote to them.  You value their experiences, their perceptions, and their journey through life and this makes them feel uniquely special

What would happen if you tried this approach again? Honestly, what if you began to prioritize the way that you did when you were dating? It certainly couldn’t hurt, right?

Now, you can’t come on too strong or appear in genuine.  You must pace yourself so that this new tactic appears to be spontaneous.  You can’t force it, but you can allow it to happen in the way that you have set it up.

I know that things seem not so great right now, but think about the advantage you have.  You know how and why this guy falls in love.  You know his history and what he values. This is likely a larger advantage than you think.

I was devastated when my husband told me that he was no longer in love with me. For a long time, fear caused me to draw on my own fears and insecurities Thankfully, I realized this didn’t serve me (or my marriage) and changed course. Eventually, I was able to not only restore my husband’s love (which I’m not sure ever really left,) but to save our marriage. You can read more on my blog at https://isavedmymarriage.com/.

I’m Not Sure If My Husband Ever Really Loved Me And He Doesn’t Love Me Now

by: Leslie Cane: Many of the wives who read my articles feel sure that their husbands don’t love them. Occasionally, I hear from someone who tells me that their husband has never loved them. An example is the wife who was beside herself and very upset about the way that her husband has been treating her. He’d been shutting her out, spending less time at home, and was basically just ignoring her as though she didn’t exist.

One day she got so frustrated at this that she snapped: “This isn’t how you treat someone you love.” This did not sit well with the husband who snapped back: “I don’t love you. I’m not sure if I ever have loved you.” Needless to say, the silence and the tension was thick in the room after this. And, since then, the two had just been completely avoiding each other. The wife was furious that he would speak to her in this way. But, deep down, she was also very hurt because the suspected that there was a lot of truth behind that outburst.

The points she made went something like this: “I don’t think we would even be married if I hadn’t become pregnant with our daughter. When I got pregnant, we had just broken up. He was the one who broke it off. And at that point, I think he was relieved that the relationship was over. But of course, once I got pregnant, everything changed. I hoped that our daughter would bring us closer together, and for a while, she did. Eventually though, my husband seemed more and more unhappy and it became obvious that he resented the situation. Sure, we’ve had some good times and I wouldn’t trade my daughter for anything in the world. There are days when he’s sweet to both of us and this does make me feel loved. But there are also days when I think he just wants to pack his bags and leave us. I don’t know what to do. I want a stable home for my daughter, but don’t I deserve someone who really loves me?”

Of course she deserved to feel loved. Everyone does. However, I have to say that claims made in anger aren’t always true. It’s quite possible that the husband was only trying to get a reaction and knew the precise words which were going to cut the deepest. This couple had been together for a year and a half before the wife became pregnant. Clearly, there was something other than their daughter that was drawing them together over that relatively long period of time. I think this was a situation which could potentially be worked out which I will discuss below.

Do Not Allow For Your Husband’s Hurtful Claim That He Doesn’t Love You Now (And Has Never Loved You) To Derail You From Getting What You Really Want: Feeling loved is an inherent desire that we all share. Everyone who has invested time and emotion into a relationship very much want the pay off of knowing that all of the feelings are mutual. No one wants to feel as though they are the only person experiencing love in the relationship. Everyone wants to feel desired and special.

With that said though, both people in the relationship know this. So, pulling the rug out from under someone is a surefire way to get the hurtful response that you are looking for. There’s no doubt in my mind that this husband knew full well that claiming not to love this wife was going to be the most hurtful (and hard hitting) thing which he could possibly say to her.

And, yes, it got the desired result. After those words were spoken, she retreated and stopped nagging him to spend more time with her and to treat her better. And this is likely precisely what he wanted anyway.

However, after listening to this couple’s history, I just did not buy that this man had never loved this woman. He had spent much of their time together working quite hard to raise the funds to build a home for them. He made sure to buy into a neighborhood with the best schools for their daughter. He regularly surprised the wife with books because he knew that reading was one thing she missed as a busy parent to a toddler. Some of the things he did showed that he loved, understood, and valued his wife very much.

But, it was also very clear that he felt pressured and afraid with all of the new responsibility on his shoulders. These negative feelings may have been at least in part behind him recently lashing out at her. And, although these behaviors were hurtful (and frankly unacceptable,) I honestly didn’t feel that the whole truth was behind them.

Try to Approach it From a Place of Solutions Rather than Resentment and Pain: So, where does the wife go from here? Looking at it from the surface, this is a tough situation. It hurts to hear those kinds of statements. But, I felt very strongly that the wife had to step back and ask herself what she really wanted the most. It seemed relatively clear to me that she wanted to be part of a loving and stable family. Her daughter was a wonderful reality. She was here in the present time. Whatever happened in the past needed to stay there.

Right now, the most important thing was for them to raise their family in a loving environment that fulfilled them both. They were relatively young and had all kinds of time to learn new behaviors that weren’t based on pushing each other’s emotional buttons.

A Positive Way to Address it: I felt strongly that the wife should try to put the hurtful words behind her and address this with her husband. The things he said were hurtful and needed to stop. Besides that, no one had spoke of what he had said for days. It needed to be addressed. I suggested that the wife approach her husband when she could be calm and know that she wasn’t going to engage with them.

Then, I suggested that she say something like: “Your saying that you don’t love me now and never loved me really hurt me. It wasn’t a fair thing for you to say, but I suspect that you don’t really mean it. I don’t want for either of us to fall into these patterns. We both grew up in volatile homes and I don’t want this for our daughter. I know that the way we got married and started our family wasn’t planned. But we are here now and we have to move forward in a positive way. I love you and I want to work with you to lighten both of our loads so that we aren’t snapping at each other because of all the pressure we are under. Will you work with me to create the loving family that we both want and deserve? Let’s stop hurting each other. We’re better than that.”

Now, the husband may not fall into the wife’s arms and spew apologies like she was hoping for, but dealing with this in a loving and honest way was going to begin to break those destructive habits and patterns that had formed. And, if the two of them were able to alleviate some of the tension and stress, I suspected that those hurtful phrases about not loving the wife were going to hopefully stop.

It was my husband, not me, who took to saying hurtful things (like he didn’t love me) when we hit rough spots. Unfortunately, in response, I drew on negative emotions rather than positive ones. This seriously backfired. I had to change course to save my marriage, which was in serious jeopardy due to a separation caused by all the negativity.  You can read more at https://isavedmymarriage.com.