I Know That Talking Is Important During Our Trial Separation, But Every Time My Separated Husband Calls Or We Talk, It Hurts

By: Leslie Cane:  When you are separated, you often intuitively know that regular communication is important.  Generally, no one needs to tell you this.  It is just common sense. After all, how are you going to reconcile if you lose touch and have no idea what the other person is doing? How can you fix […]

My Husband Says That He Knows He Will Regret Leaving Me, But He’s Going To Leave Anyway

By: Leslie Cane: It’s an awful feeling when you know that in the very near future, you’re going to be separated when even the person who is initiating the separation admits that it might be a mistake. It’s awful when you both know that the love and the connection is still there, but the relationship […]

We’re Separated But He Says He Still Wants Me In His Life In Some Capacity.

By: Leslie Cane:  Sometimes, when we are separated, we honestly believe that we have unwillingly taken the first step toward a divorce.  Despite our wishes, desires, and beliefs, we’re worried that a separation is just another word for “the beginning of the divorce process.” We assume that our husband is just trying to get rid […]

Telling My Husband How I Feel During Our Separation Just Isn’t Working

By: Leslie Cane:  Most of us have been raised to believe that honestly is always the best policy.  We watch talk shows where mental health counselors indicate that there should be no secrets between spouses and that we should always allow our spouse to know exactly how we feel.  This is said to be one […]

Why Won’t My Husband Commit To A Time Frame For A Reconciliation?

By: Leslie Cane:  Many wives who have been forced into a martial separation that they did not want make it their goal to  get a reconciliation as soon as possible.  And often the biggest question that you constantly have on your mind is: When? You don’t want to be separated for one minute, for one […]

How Can I Help My Spouse See The Importance Of Rebuilding Our Marriage?

By: Leslie Cane:  It’s often not until you see your marriage fall apart before your eyes that you realize how good you used to have it.  The truth is, it can be very easy to take your spouse and your marriage for granted – until you are on the verge of losing both.  When you […]

What Are The Signs Your Husband Wants Out Of Your Marriage? Here’s What I Think Are The Three Biggest

By: Leslie Cane: If you had asked me the above question ten years ago, I would have thought it was silly.  I would have thought something like: “what do you mean how do you know if your husband wants out of your marriage?  You know because he will tell you.  You’ll know because he will […]

How Do I Make My Husband Value And Respect Me More? How Do I Make Him Realize My Worth?

By: Leslie Cane: I often hear from people who don’t feel completely appreciated by their spouse.  And, this complaint can come from both a husband and a wife. It is not limited to one particular sex or gender. However, I find that women tend to feel unappreciated a bit more since household and child-rearing tasks […]

How To Reconcile With A Separated Spouse Who Is Not Interested?

By: Leslie Cane: This is one of the most common questions that I hear. Many wives desperately want to reconcile with their separated husband. And they are willing to try many avenues in order to make that happen. The problem is that the husband often acts very disinterested in whatever is attempted. So one might […]

My Husband Moved Out But Hasn’t Mentioned A Divorce. How Do I Know If He Wants One?

By: Leslie Cane: When your spouse moves out, it can be an extremely scary time. It’s natural to assume that talks of a divorce might just be imminent. After all, a person who is happily married isn’t likely to move out. It’s a person who isn’t sure that they want their marriage anymore who just […]